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Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:37 pm
by arronmark
Carson nach eil briathracas ùr/nuadh-aimsireil ainmeachadh na Tòraidhean ann an coimeas ris Pàrtaidh Làbrach no a' bheil aon ann? / Why is there no new terminology designating the Conservatives similar to that of the Labour Party or is there one?

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:55 pm
by akerbeltz
Gu dè? / Whit?

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:03 pm
by arronmark
Leithid Am Pàrtaidh Tèarmannach/Glèidhteach no eadar-theangachadh dìreach? / Such as the Conservative/Conserving Party or a direct tr*nsl*t**n?

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:04 pm
by ithinkitsnice
Chan eil mi dha-rìribh a' tuigsinn na tha thu airson, ach ’s e "Pàrtaidh Tòraidheach" an t-ainm oifigeil air 'The Conservative Party' sa Ghàidhlig, seach ann am Beurla, ma fhreagras siud an ceist agad.

I don't really understand what you're after, but "The Tory Party (Pàrtaidh Tòraidheach)" is the official name for 'The Conservative Party' in Gaelic, unlike in English, if that answers your question.

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:13 pm
by arronmark
Tha fìos agam ach tha mi ag iarraidh ma tha facal eile ann? Tòraidh às Tory agus Làbrach às Labour ach ... às Conservative? / I know but I wanted to know if there were another word for it such as Tòraidh coming from Tory and Làbrach from Labour but nothing from the actual word Conservative?

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:30 pm
by ithinkitsnice
Chan eil fhios a'm, tha mi a' creid gur e siud dìreach am facal Gàidhlig 'ceart' air "conservative" sa cho-theacsa seo, seach eadar-thangachadh litearail (a' cuimhneachadh gur ann à Meadhan-Ghàidhlig a thàinig am facal "Toraidh" anns a' chiad dol a-mach) ?

I don't know, I suppose that's just the 'correct' Gaelic word for "conservative" in this context, as opposed to a literal tr*nsl*t**n (remembering the word 'Tory' came from Middle Irish in the first place) ?

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:06 am
by GunChleoc
Tha facal no dhà aig Dwelly ach chan eil sgot agam an cleachd duine iad tuilleadh ... 43465B1E06

Dwelly has a few words but I have no idea if anybody is still using them

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:42 pm
by akerbeltz
Tachraidh e gu math tric nach bi cànain a-rèir a chèile. 'S toigh leinne, no le 'r n-inntinnean rudan a tha cothromach ach chan ann mar sin a dh'obraicheas cànan. / It's quite common for languages to be disaligned. We, or our minds, like stuff to be balanced but language doesn't work like that.

Tòraidhean / Conservatives

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:37 pm
by Níall Beag
Smaoin air ainmean-àite. Think about placenames.
Tha "Applecross" againn sa Bheurla air "A' Chomraich", agus thàinig sinn bho seann ainm "Obair Crosain" (sp?). Carson nach eil leithid "Comrie" air neo "The Sanctuary" againn sa Beurla?
We call "A' Chomraich" "Applecross", and that came from the old name "Obair Crosain" (sp?). Why don't we have something like "Comrie" or "The Sanctuary" in English?

Tha againn "Highlands" agus "Lowlands" anns a' Bheurla, ach "Gaidhealtachd" (="duthaich nan Gàidheal") agus "Galldachd" (="duthaich nan coigreach") anns a' Ghàidhlig.
We've got "Highlands" and "Lowlands" in English, but "Gaidhealtachd" (land of the Gaels) and "Galldachd" (land of the foreigners/lowlanders) in Gaelic.