Na buidhinn gàidhlig am bu choir dhaibh a bhith a’ dèanamh t

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Na buidhinn gàidhlig am bu choir dhaibh a bhith a’ dèanamh t

Unread post by Gràisg »

Seo deasbad a thòisich mi thall aig an liosta B ach saoilidh mi gum bi beachdan ri fhaighinn ann a sheo:
Here's a debate I started over at the B list but I think there might be opinions to be had in here.

Na buidhinn gàidhlig am bu choir dhaibh a bhith a’ dèanamh tuilleadh airson luchd ionnsachaidh?

The Gaelic organisations, should they be doing more for learners?

Nuair a choimheadas tu air feadhainn de na goireasan air leth a tha ri fhaighinn air loidhne a tha feumail do luchd-ionnsachaidh ann a bhith a’ dèanamh conaltraidh, tha aon rud a’ bualadh orm. ‘ S ann le luchd-ionnsachaidh a chaidh an cruthachaidh. Carson nach eil na buidhinn gàidhlig a’ cur a leithid an àirde air loidhne?

When you look at some of the excellent resources that are available on line to enable learners to communicate, there is one striking thing that I notice. That is that they were created by learners. Why aren’t the Gaelic groups putting this sort of thing on-line?

Seo liosta dhiubh: here’s a list of them ... 4517956397

A bheil sibh ag aontachadh leam no a bheil sibh a’ dol nam aghaidh?
Do you agree with me or not?

A-nochd le Gàidhlig B tighinn beò thàinig an teachdaireach a tha seo a-steach.
Tonight beacause Gàidhlig B has come back to life this message came in.

‘If you have a videocam or a computer with one we could meet here: in a video chat room, just set the time & date & give the room a name (gaidhlig) so others won't accidently pop in & there you go.’

A-nis nach bu choir do cuideigin a tha a’ togail airgid as a’ Ghàidhlig a leithid seo a chur air dòigh mar phàirt den dleastanas aige?
Now shouldn’t someone who is earning a salary out of Gaelic be responsible for organising this sort of thing as part of their job discription?

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Unread post by GunChleoc »

An rud a tha a dhìth ormsa 's ann nach eil tidsear againne an-seo is cruaidh feum air. Is mise a th' ann cò a bhios ceartachaidh a chur dhan càch gu tric cho math as urrainn dhomh is fiù 's nach eil Gàidhlig fileanta agam ann an dòigh sam bith! Cha do thòisich mi fhìn air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh ach dà bhliadhna air leth air ais is tha daonnan an t-eagal orm gum biodh an ceartachadh a rinn mi cèarr. :balla:

The thing I lack is we don't have a teacher here and we really need one. Often I'm the one correcting others as well as I can and I don't even have fluent Gaelic at all! I only started learning Gaelic myself 2 1/2 years ago and I'm always afraid that my corrections are wrong.

Gu fòrtanach, tha daoine ann an-seo le Gàidhlig nas fhèarr na tha agamsa is iadsan a' cuideachadh cuideachd. Chan eil gu leòr dhaibh ann le ùine gu leòr aca co-dhiù.

Luckily, there are some people here who have better Gaelic than I do and they are helping too. There aren't enough of them though and they don't have enough time.

Is adhbhar sin gum bu toil leam taic sam bith fhaighinn leis na cuisean an-seo is tidsear no dhà a' toirt sùil air na teachdaireachdean bho àm gu àm. Cha do dh' iarr mi seo fhathast co-dhiù. Bu chòir dhomh taic iarraidh bho na buidhnean? Cò aig a dh' iarras mi i?

For this reason I'd love to get some help with things here; a couple of teachers having a look at the posts once in a while. I haven't asked for this yet though. Should I ask the organisations for help? Who would I ask it of?

Nuair a bha an seann àite air falbh is chruthaich mi an àite seo is 's e an dòigh nas luaithe a bh' ann, o chionn 's nach robh ach mise a rinn an co-dhùnadh. Nuair a bhios buidheann an sàs le cuis sam bith, tha aca ri aontachadh na cùise agus cha robh mi airson feitheamh. Barrachd air sin, chan eil mi a' cosg airgid sam bith o chionn 's gun robh làrach-lìn agam mu thràth. Cha bhi mi a' cosg ach ùine is dealain.

When the old place was gone I created this place, it was the quickest way, because I was the only one making the decision. When you have an organisation involved with whatever, they will have to agree on things and I wasn't about to wait. Moreover, I'm not paying any money because I already had a website. I'm not spending anything but time and electricity.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Corrections: I'm fine either way
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Unread post by Seonaidh »

GunChleoc wrote:Is adhbhar sin gum bu toil leam taic sam bith fhaighinn leis na cuisean an-seo is tidsear no dhà a' toirt sùil air na teachdaireachdean bho àm gu àm. Cha do dh' iarr mi seo fhathast co-dhiù. Bu chòir dhomh taic iarraidh bho na buidhnean? Cò aig a dh' iarras mi i?

For this reason I'd love to get some help with things here; a couple of teachers having a look at the posts once in a while. I haven't asked for this yet though. Should I ask the organisations for help? Who would I ask it of?
Annwyl Heb Gloc A gun chleoch choir,

Bha mi air agus chuir mi ceist riotha mu rudeigin coltach anns a' ghàidhlig - agus seo mise.

I was on and asked them a question about something similar in Gaelic - and here I am.

An-dèidh sin, chuir mi fios mu Fòram na Gàidhlig ri luchd-oibrich SMO agus mhol mi dhaibh gum bi feumail dhan na luchd-ionnsachaidh an làrach-lìon seo.

After that, i told SMO staff about the Gaelic Forum and suggested to them this thingie will be useful to the students.

Fhreagair iad nach robh, 's dòcha, inbhe na Gàidhlig an seo gu leòr math airson daoine a bha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig le SMO.

They answered that, mevvies, the standard of Gaelic here was not good enough for folk as were learning Gaelic with SMO.

Ged-thà, tha mi a' creidsinn gur e deagh bheachd a bhios gam faighneachadh mas toigh leotha air na teachdaireachdan a thoirt sùil bho àm gu àm.

Whatever, I reckon as it's a good idea to ask them if they wouldn't mind casting their eye over the postings sometimes.

'S e togail drochaidean a th' ann, 's dòcha

This is building bridges, mevvies.
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

Seonaidh wrote:Fhreagair iad nach robh, 's dòcha, inbhe na Gàidhlig an seo gu leòr math airson daoine a bha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig le SMO.

They answered that, mevvies, the standard of Gaelic here was not good enough for folk as were learning Gaelic with SMO.
Uill mura bhios tuilleadh fileantaich a' tighinn an-seo, mairidh a chuis mar a tha i, nach mair?

Well, unless more fluent speakers come here, things will stay as they are, won't they?

Tha mi-fhìn gu cùrsa a' toiseachadh leotha. Is dòcha gur urrainn dhomh bruidhinn riutha àm a bhios aithne dhaibh ceart gu leòr :D

I'm about to start a course with them. Maybe I can speak with them once I get to know them well enough.

Rudeigin eile a bha mi airson ràdh: Tha mi den bheachd gu bheil feum againn air daoine a' toirt taic ris a' chànan mar saor-thoileach agus air na buidhnean, an dà chuid. Cha bhi Gàidhlig a' fàs mura bhios daoine gu leòr ann ga fìor-iarraidh agus a' dèanamh rudeigin.

Something else I meant to say: I'm of the opinion that we need people who help the language as volunteers and the organisations both. Gaelic won't be growing unless enough people really want it and do something.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Unread post by padraig »


Is mise Pàdraig. Tha mi a' fuireach ann an Leòdhas. Tha mi air a bhith a' coimhead ris am fòram seo bho àm gu àm, ach seo a' chiad post agam.
Hi, I'm Peter from Lewis. I've been browsing this forum for a while now but this is my first post

Channain 's gu bheil mi fileanta 'sa Ghàidhlig, ach chan eil a' Ghàdhlig agam "perfect" agus tha mi fhìn dìreach an-dràsta a' deanamh beagan oidhirp air barrachd ionnsachaidh a dhèanamh air sgrìobhadh agus gràmar. Channain mar tòrr luchd-fileanta òg eile gu bheil dìth mhisneachd oirnn le eagal a bhith ceàrr le na tha sinn ag radh. Channain nach e Gàidhlig oifigeach a bhitheas mi a' bruidhinn gu nàdarrach ach measgachadh de Ghàdhlig le gu-leòr beurla na measg.
I'd say that I'm a native Gealic speaker, but my Gaelic isnt perfect. I have recently been trying to improve my own writing in Gaelic and understanidng of the Grammar. I'd say like many other young native speakers that it is a lack of confidence in using Gaelic that would stop people posting on here incase our Gaelic is not correct. I don't speak "official gaelic" naturally but Gaelic with english words mixed in.

Cùmaidh mi mo shùil air am fòram seo a-nis agus freagairaidh mi rud sam bith a 's urrainn dhomh.
I'll keep my eye on this forum and answer any questions I can.
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

Fàilte ort, a Phàdraig! 'S math d' fhaicinn an-seo. :smeid:
Welcome; Pàdraig! It is good to see you here.

A bheil Gàidhlig bho thùs agad?
Are you a native speaker?

Na gabh dragh nach eil Gàidhlig "oifigeil" agad. Bidh thu a' bruidhinn mar a tha na daoine a' bruidhinn, agus bidh sin ceart gu leòr dhomhsa! :D
Don't worry you don't speak "official" Gaelic. You talk like people talk, and that's fine by me.

Ma bhios caraidean agad aig a bheil Gàidhlig, carson nach cleachd sibh an roinn "Gàidhlig a-mhàin" airson bruidhinn air càil sam bith, ma bhios ùidh agaibh.
If you have Gaelic speaking friends, why don't you use the "Gàidhlig a-mhàin" section to talk about whatever, if you want.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Unread post by Gràisg »


halò a charaid,

Na gabh dragh mu dheidhinn mhearachdan no dad sam bi nach eil a’ leantainn GOC no riaghailtean eile (chan eil duine sam bith eile ann a sheo a tha buileach ceart na dhòigh no comasan sgrìobhaidh). Tha e deatamach dhuinn gus a bhith a’ dèanamh conaltraidh a tha nàdarra, ge b’ e sgrìobhaidh a bh’ ann. Ma bhios e coltach ri rudeigin a bhiodh fileantaich air a’ Ghàidhealtachd a thuigsinn nan robh sinn bruidhinn riutha bidh sinn fada nad chomain airson dad sam bith a tha agad ri ràdh ann a sheo.

Sgrìobh thugainn a charaid!

(Apologies friends, my english versions don’t always follow 100% worse than my Gaelic lol)

Don’t worry about mistakes or anything else that won’t be adhering to GOC or any other rules (there isn’t anyone here who is 100% in their manner or abilities in writing. IT is essential that we communicate in a natural way – although it is in the written form If it resembles something that a native speaker would understand in the Gàidhealtachd then we will be deeply in your debt for anything you say here.

On you gò pal
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Unread post by faoileag »

Fàilte bhuamsa cuideachd! :D

Bidh e glè mhath Gàidhlig nàdarrach (is Leòdhasach :D ) a chluinntinn an seo! Tha sinn taingeul gu dearbh nuair a bhios 'native speakers' a' bruidhinn rinn air a' bhòrd seo. Air neo tha sinn ann an cunnard a bhith a' fuireach anns an t-saoghal beag againn 'SMOG' no 'Gàidhlig luchd-ionnsachaidh' - saoghal uaireannan ro throm, dhùrachdach, colach.

Tha feum againn air barrachd naidheachdan nas aotruime, nàddarraiche, no fealla-dhà no dhà às an sgoil, às a' bhar... . 8-)
Tha feum againn air uinneag nas fheàrr dhan fìor shaoghal Gàidhlig, an t-saoghal àbhaisteach.

Tha mi an dòchas gur urrainn dhut pairt a ghabhal gu math trice! :)

Welcome from me too.
It will be good to hear natural (Lewis!) Gaelic here. We are grateful indeed when native-speakers talk with us on this forum. Otherwise we are in danger of staying in our little world of SMOG or Learners' Gaelic - a world that is sometimes too serious, earnest and incestuous.
We need more lighter, more natural stories and the odd joke from school or the pub...
We need a better window onto the real Gaelic world, the everyday world.
Hope you can join in quite often!
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Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:49 pm

Unread post by padraig »

Tapadh leibh uile airson an fàilte :-)
Thanks for the welcome.

GunChleoc, tha mi fileanta 'sa Ghàdhlig ach 's dòcha mar grunn dhaoine eile, tha mi ciontach nach bi mi a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig gu leòr.
I am a native speaker but maybe like many others, I'm guilty of not speaking enough Gaelic.
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

Uill, siuthad, a charaid! :D
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
Neas Olc
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Unread post by Neas Olc »

tha mi fileanta 'sa Ghàdhlig ach 's dòcha mar grunn dhaoine eile, tha mi ciontach nach bi mi a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig gu leòr
Uill a Phadraig tha thu a'deanamh beagan nas eàrr a nis a chionn's gu tainig thu dhan fhòram seo. (A bheil "a chionn's" ceart an sin?)

You're doing oing a bit better now seeing as you came to this forum.
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

nas fhèarr le fh

a chionn 's gun tàinig / air sgàth 's gun tàinig ... saoilidh mi gu bheil dòighean eile ann a ràdh seo cuideachd.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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