Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

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Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Gràisg »

Seo fiosrachadh a thog mi bho làrach lìn what do they know.com
http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/g ... oing-82687

3 August 2010

Dear Fife Council,

It would be highly appreciated if you could tell me what your
decision, not to be included in the Gaelic National Plan, was based

Would you have any figures (collected by consultation, research on
the needs/requests of Gaelic speaking families and learners living
in Fife) available supporting this decision?

Yours faithfully,


Fiona Elliot
Fife Council

24 August 2010

** High Priority **

Dear Ann


I refer to your information request received 4th August 2010, our ref: 10702

Your request is for information as to why Fife Council took the decision, not to be included in the Gaelic National Plan, was based on.

To enable me to deal with your request I would appreciate if you could clarify where this information is documented?

If you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your request, you have the right to request a review of the decision. Please write to: Chief Legal Officer, Performance & Organisational Support, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT or e-mail to [email address]. The law provides for you to make this request up to 60 workings days from when we received your enquiry or 40 working days from when you receive this correspondence whichever is the later date. Where the outcome of the review fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision.

Fife Council will consider and seek to resolve any request to the Chief Legal Officer that falls outside these timescales.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Elliot
Project Officer - Education
Fife Council


30 August 2010

Dear Fiona Elliot,

The documentation (and names of people from Fife Council involved
in the decision making) could be requested from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

The Fife Council Response to Gaelic Education Consultation was
published online on September 20, 2005


BnaG have confirmed that Fife Council doesn't have a Gaelic Plan.
For further information, you can consult the website or contact
Bòrd na Gàidhlig.


Should you require further help, please don't hesitate to get in

Yours sincerely,


Fiona Elliot
Fife Council

6 September 2010

Dear Ann


I refer to your email dated and received 4th August 2010 our reference: 10702

I am pleased to enclose the information you requested and trust that it meets your requirements.

It would be highly appreciated if you could tell me what your decision, not to be included in the Gaelic National Plan, was based on.

? At the time of the 2001 consultation, the decision was taken not to be included in the Gaelic National Plan owing to there being no demand.

Would you have any figures (collected by consultation, research on the needs/requests of Gaelic speaking families and learners living in Fife) available supporting this decision?

? There has been no demand on the service in recent times regarding Gaelic speaking families and learners. The e1 management system which records pupil information holds detail of pupil language and Gaelic Education requirements - this is nil for pupils recorded in Fife.

If you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your request, you have the right to request a review of the decision. Please write to: Chief Legal Officer, Performance & Organisational Support, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT or e-mail to [email address]. The law provides for you to make this request up to 60 workings days from when we received your enquiry or 40 working days from when you receive this correspondence whichever is the later date. Where the outcome of the review fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision.

Fife Council will consider and seek to resolve any request to the Chief Legal Officer that falls outside these timescales.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Elliot
Project Officer - Education
Fife Council

6 September 2010

Dear Fiona Elliot,

Thank you very much for sending me the information.

I will now pass this on to the families in Fife who have requested
access to Gaelic Medium Education in Fife the past years and who
are currently driving their children to Glasgow/Edinburgh/Perth for
playgroup, primary and secondary school needs.

Yours sincerely,


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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by *Alasdair* »

'S e an rud a th' ann nach robh ach, a rèir Cunntas-sluaigh 2001, 2448 daoine [a-mach à 349,000] ann am Fiobha uile gu lèir aig a an robh a' Ghaidhlig. Bha còrr is 2000 dhaibh nas sine na 25, is mar sin, cha bhiodh feum aig ach 350 [aig a' chàr as àirde] dhaibh cothrom foghlam fhaighinn tron a' Ghaidhlig. 'S dòcha gu bheil na h-àireanamh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air a dhol suas bhon uair sin, ach nuair a tha àireamhan mar sin gan toirt dha Comhairlean, chan eil iad a' faicinn an fheum ann a bhith a' cosg tòrr airgead air rudeigin a bhios a' buinteann ri buidheann cho beag.

Chan eil Plana Gàidhlig aig Comhairle Chlach Mhannainn air sgàth 's nach robh ach 521 daoine ann le Gàidhlig ann an 2001, a-mach à timcheall air 50,000 daoine uile gu lèir. Chan eil barrachd ann a-nis, tha sin cinnteach.

Nise, tha mi a' tuigsinn gu bheil Planaichean Gàidhlig cudromach agus feumail, ach chan eil feum annta far nach eil daoine ann leis a' Ghàidhlig no far nach eil daoine ag iarraidh rudan a thaobh na Gàidhlig. Mar eisimpleir, ann am Peairt tha bug-sgoil Goodleyburn a' teagaisg na Gàidhlig, ach chan eil còrr is 10 chlann air a bhith san ionad aig an aon àm riamh. A rèir, Cunntas Sluaigh 2001, bha timcheall air 80 clann ann am Peairt leis a' Ghàidhlig aig aois "Primary". Chan eil a h-uile daoine aig a bheil, no nach eil, a' Gàidhlig ag iarraidh an cuid cloinne a cur dha sgoiltean Ghàidhlig. Feumaidh sinn a bhith mothachail air seo agus feumaidh sinn a bhith a' coimhead air na h-àiteachan far a bheil a' Ghàidhlig a' fàs nam measg na h-oigridh [Sruighlea is Glaschu msaa]. Chan eil seo a' ciallachadh gum bi iad uile ag iarraidh an aon rud dìreach air sgàth gu bheil na h-àireamhan ann "on paper", mar a chanas ud.

*Figearan bho SCROL*
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Surprise, surprise.

Co-dhiù, tha barrachd Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha na tha ann am Peairt is Ceann Ros. Agus tha Gàidhlig ri faighinn sna sgoiltean an sin (m.e. Perth Academy fhèin).
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Thrissel »

*Alasdair* wrote:A rèir Cunntas-sluaigh 2001, 2448 daoine [a-mach à 349,000] ann am Fiobha uile gu lèir aig an robh a' Ghaidhlig.
Seonaidh wrote:Co-dhiù, tha barrachd Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha na tha ann am Peairt is Ceann Ros.
scrol browser wrote:Fìobha: 0.32% à 349,429 => 1118
http://www.scrol.gov.uk/scrol/browser/p ... atch=false
Peairt is Ceann Rois: 1.08% à 134,949 => 1457
http://www.scrol.gov.uk/scrol/browser/p ... atch=false
Tha m' inntinn tro-chèile.
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by *Alasdair* »

Thrissel wrote:
*Alasdair* wrote:A rèir Cunntas-sluaigh 2001, 2448 daoine [a-mach à 349,000] ann am Fiobha uile gu lèir aig an robh a' Ghaidhlig.
Seonaidh wrote:Co-dhiù, tha barrachd Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha na tha ann am Peairt is Ceann Ros.
scrol browser wrote:Fìobha: 0.32% à 349,429 => 1118
http://www.scrol.gov.uk/scrol/browser/p ... atch=false
Peairt is Ceann Rois: 1.08% à 134,949 => 1457
http://www.scrol.gov.uk/scrol/browser/p ... atch=false
Tha m' inntinn tro-chèile.
The na figearan a' toirt a-staigh a h-uile ìre de tuigs, labhairt, bruidhinn, leughadh, sgrìobhadh msaa.

Aig deireadh an là, ma bhios daoine ag iarraidh seirbhisean sa Ghàidhlig agus tha gu leòr ùidh ann, gheibhear iad. Chan eil mi air tòrr ghearainn bho Fiobha chluinntinn a-riamh.
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Gràisg »

Chan eil mi air tòrr ghearainn bho Fiobha chluinntinn a-riamh
Chan eil sin a' ciallachadh nach eil gearrainn ann dìreach air sgath 's nach eil dad ri cluinntinn. Mar eisimpleir chan eil mise a' cluinntinn gearrainn a-riamh mu Bòrd na Gàidhlig air Radio nan Gaidheal ach tha gearrainn ann. Co-dhiù tha cuideigin ann an Fiobha den bheachd gu bheil gearrainn ann. Uaireannan chan eil e cho simplidh ri togail guth gus do chuid choireachan fhaighinn.
6 September 2010

Dear Fiona Elliot,

Thank you very much for sending me the information.

I will now pass this on to the families in Fife who have requested
access to Gaelic Medium Education in Fife the past years and who
are currently driving their children to Glasgow/Edinburgh/Perth for
playgroup, primary and secondary school needs.

Yours sincerely,

Posts: 46
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by ArtMacCarmaig »

A Ghràisg, tha mise air dèiligeadh ri gearainean mu Bhòrd na Gàidhlig air Radio nan Gàidheal aig amannan eadar-dhealaichte. Ach ma tha gearainean eile ann, leigibh fios thugam. Tha mise an-còmhnaidh deiseil dèiligeadh riutha agus b' fheàrr leam gum biodh fios agam, an àite daoine a' cumail am beul dùinte.

Airson fios, ged nach eil dùil aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig Plana Gàidhlig iarraidh bho Chomhairle Fhìoba gu 2014 bidh Plana Nàiseanta ùr ga dhealbhadh air a' bhliadhna seo agus bidh e a' dol a-mach gu cho-chomhairle poblach. Chanainn gum bi cothrom ann an uair sin ceistean a chur air a' Chomhairle mu dè pàirt a bhios acasan ga chur an gnìomh.
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Gràisg »

Madainn Mhath Art,

Uill, saoilidh mi nach eil mi ag eisteachd ri RnG cho tric ‘s a bu choir dhomh a bhith. Co-dhiù, a thaobh gearanan saoilidh mi gu bheil cuideigin ann an àite eile a dèanamh suas liosta air do shon. Mar sin mur a bheil dad ann nach chuala thu fhathast bidh fiosrachadh agad ann an ùine nach bi fada.
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Re: Fìobha ga sheachnadh Plana Gàidhlig 2010 - fiosrachadh

Unread post by Seonaidh »

A' chiad àite, tha mi duilich mu na figearan - cha robh mi air figearan 2001 fhaicinn ach b' ann a bha na thuirt mi ceart ann am 1991. Co-dhiù, nochdaidh nach eil diofar mòr eadar an dà shiorrachd a rèir fhigearan.

'S ann a tha mi air gearan a chur gu BnaG mu dheidhinn dìth Plana Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha - 's dòcha ro àm Art - agus tha mi a' creidsinn gu bheill Ann fhèin air seo a dhèanamh cuideachd.

Nuair a bha mi a' bhuidhinn ri mandarins Comhairle Fìobha mu dheidhinn foghlaim Ghàidhlig sna sgoiltean, thuirt iadsan nach robh demand air a shon. Cuideachd, nuair a dh'iarr mi nam biodh iad deònach airson cosgais shiubhail a phàigheadh nan rachadh mo mhac a Pherth Academy, dhiult iad slàn. Mar sin chan eil iad deònach airson Gàidhlig a sholarachadh sna sgoiltean - AGUS chan eil iad deònach airson beagan, beagan a phàigheadh a leigeil do chlann siubhal airson foghlam Gàidhlig fhaighinn faisg air Fìobha. 'S e right shower a th' anntasan.
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