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GCompris (geamannan foghlaim don chloinn)

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:55 pm
by GunChleoc


'S e sreath de phrògraman foghlaim a th' ann an GCompris le deagh chàileachd is tha iomadh cleas na bhroinn airson clann aois 2 gu 10. 'S e geamannan a th' ann an cuid dhe na cleasan ach tha iad math airson foghlam co-dhiù.

Tha GCompris a' tairgse tuilleadh is 100 chleas a-nis agus tha barrachd 'gan leasachadh. 'S e bathar-bog saor a th' anns a' GCompris, 's e seo gum faod thu gleus a chur air a-rèir nam feumalachdan agad fhèin, a leasachadh is gu h-àraidh a cho-roinn leis a' chlann air fheadh an t-saoghail.

Tha a' Ghàidhlig na bhroinn on tionndadh 13.11 a-mach. Ach am biodh na geamannan co-cheangailte ri litrichean is faclan a-rèir feumalachdan na Gàidhlig, bha sinn fiù 's an sàs ann am prògramachadh is mi fhìn air dà chànan ùr ionnsachadh (C is Python ;)). Barrachd air sin, chlàraich sinn guth cuideigin aig a bheil Gàidhlig bhrèagha on ghlùin. Mòran taing do dh'Akerbeltz a chuir seo air dòigh! Tha sinn fhathast ag obair air a' phrògramachadh airson aon dhe na geamannan, ach tha a h-uile càil eile dèanta ach am freagair e dhan a' Ghàidhlig.

Mar a stàlaicheas sibh GCompris

Cha leig sibh leas ach an tionndadh iomchaidh airson an t-siostaim-obrachaidh agaibh a luchdadh a-nuas o is leantainn air an stiùireadh. Ma tha sibh air Windows no MacOSX, feumaidh sibh còd iarraidh gus inntrigeadh fhaighinn dhan a h-uile cleas, ach chan iarr iad mòran oirbh. Nì iad seo a dh'aona-ghnothaich gus Linux is bathar-bog saor san fharsaingeachd a bhrosnachadh.

Mar a dh'atharraicheas sibh an cruth-clò

'S urrainn dhuibh an cruth-clò a thaghadh ann an clàr-taice nan roghainnean. Mholamaid gun cleachd sibh Andika aig SIL tha tha ga sholar fo cheadachas SIL Open Font License is tha e làn fhreagarrach don fheadhainn a bhios ag ionnsachadh leughadh. Rinn sinn tionndadh dheth a-rèir nan gnàthasan Breatannach: dèanaibh briogadh deas air an-seo gus a luchdadh a-nuas.

Feumaidh sibh am faidhle dì-dhùmhlachadh an uairsin is a stàladh (bu chòir do bhriogadh dùbailte air Andika-R.ttf a chùis a dhèanamh airson an stàlaidh).

Barrachd mhìneachaidhean air an stàladh ceum air ceum le glacaidhean-sgrìn air iGàidhlig




Barrachd ghlacaidhean-sgrìn

Re: Geama: GCompris (geamannan foghlaim don chloinn)

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:08 pm
by GunChleoc


GCompris is a high quality educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational.

Currently GCompris offers in excess of 100 activities and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, that means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it and, most importantly, share it with children everywhere.

A Gaelic version of this software has been available since version 13.11. In order to make the games related to letters and words work for Gaelic, we even got involved in the programming, and I myself learned two new languages (C and Python ;)). We also recorded the voice of a native speaker with beautiful Gaelic. Many thanks to Akerbeltz who took care of this! We are still working on the programming for one of the games, but everything else is finished to fit the Gaelic language.

How to install GCompris

Just download the version for your operating system from and follow the instructions. If you are on Windows or MacOSX, you will need a code to unlock some of the games, but it's not expensive. They are doing this to promote the use of Linux and of free software in general.

You can also play one of the games online without the need to download anything.

How to change the fontset

You can change the font in the Options menu. We recommend that you use Andika by the SIL that is being distributed under the SIL Open Font License, and which is suitable for people who are learning to read. We created a version according to British conventions: right-click here to download.

You will have to unzip the file and to install the font (a double-click on Andika-R.ttf should take care of the installation).

More step-by-step installation instructions with screenshots on iGàidhlig

Re: Geama: GCompris (geamannan foghlaim don chloinn)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:28 pm
by GunChleoc
Stiùireadh airson an tionndadh 13.11

Gus an rud leis na cruthan-clò a dhèanamh nas fhasa, chruthaich mi na faidhlichean XML airson Andika British dhuibh. Dèanaibh briogadh deas an-seo gus an luchdadh a-nuas. An uairsin, feumaidh sibh a dhì-dhùmhlachadh is a chur sa phasgan cheart. Air Windows 7, seo C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share\gcompris\boards\skins\babytoy agus C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share\gcompris\boards\skins\gartoon. Chuir mi structar slàn nam pasgan san fhaidhle zip, mar sin cha leig sibh a leas ach dèanamh cinnteach gur GCompris\share san fhaidhle zip co-ionnan ri C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share air an t-siostaim agaibh.

Instructions for version 13.11

In order to make the thing with the font sets easier, I have created the XML files for Andika British for you. Right-click here to download. You will then need to unzip them and put them in the correct folder. On Windows 7, that's C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share\gcompris\boards\skins\babytoy and C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share\gcompris\boards\skins\gartoon. I put the complete folder structure into the zip file, so all you have to do is make sure that GCompris\share in the zip file is identical to C:\Program Files (x86)\GCompris\share on your system.

Re: GCompris (geamannan foghlaim don chloinn)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:55 am
by GunChleoc
Chaidh tionndadh ùr dheth fhoillseachadh far an urrainn sibh an cruth-clò a thaghadh ann an clàr-taice nan roghainnean.. Cuideachd, chaidh buga no dhà a bha air fhàgail fhathast a chàradh.

There is a new version where you can change the font in the options menu. It also contains some bugfixes.