Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by Thrissel »

p 389 - airgead (& gen) [?r?g??d] -> [?r??g??d] as in AFB?
p 395 - [bLi?N?ç?n] - [bli?N?ç?n] like the other forms?
p 410 - eilean: [elan] should be indented from headword (& not bold)
p 415 - gearr [g?aR] -> [g?a?R] as in AFB?

- dealbh is /d??L?v/ in AFB and in Guide rule E15 but /d?aLav/ in Wordlist (incl pl) - are they both common?
- p 397 - bruidhnidh/bhruidhneas: why [bri:n?] but [vri:N??s]? N12 says some speakers extend N11 to [i:] - is bhruidhneas an exception where [N?] is the norm, or does -eas always palat ?
- DiarDaoin: pp 245, p 407 [d??R'd??N?] vs AFB [d??r'd??N?] - when the [d] following [r] is stressed, is it a case of R05 or R06 (or of either, depending on how fast you speak)?

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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by akerbeltz »

Thrissel, I don't know what your dayjob is but you're wasted wherever you are - we need you in Scotland! 8-)
[?r??g??d] as in AFB
[bli?N?ç?n] like the other forms
[g?a?R] as in AFB
/d??L?v/ in AFB and in Guide rule E15 but /d?aLav/
It's a Darwinian problem. When I started writing it, I went with the most common form /d??Lav/. But that eventually made the rules on the helping vowel so annoyingly complex, I went for the slightly less common system (well, less common.. it's the dominant system in Lewis) where the helping vowel is always an exact copy of the first. I then had to change all instances of /?-a/ to /?-?/ and missed some :curam:
why [bri:n?] but [vri:N??s]?
Mea culpa. In the system presented it should be /n/ throughout. But yes, in those areas where the palatalisation extends to long front vowels, it's palatal.
[d??R'd??N?] vs AFB [d??r'd??N?]
Darwin again. No one had ever mentioned at uni that in rd/rt groups the r strengthens to /R/ in general. Once I understood this, I had to change them all but obviously missed some, that one I think because I did searches for /rd/ but this one is /r'd/. Ack.

Gun robh mìle matha agad a-rithist!
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by Thrissel »

akerbeltz wrote:Thrissel, I don't know what your dayjob is but you're wasted wherever you are - we need you in Scotland! 8-)
Tapadh leat, I'm flattered, but I'm not sure Scotland's all that feumail air duine with a somewhat, er, O'Henry-ish approach to 'career development'. :priob:
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by GunChleoc »

you'd make an excellent proofreader :D
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by akerbeltz »

I think you meant feumach air? Anyways, never underestimate the advantadge a central European work ethic gives you in Britain. GunChleoc could probably tell you a story or two about how students at SMO errrr study :roll:
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by Thrissel »

Ouch, feumach, of course.

Chan eil mi eòlach air dòighean obrach nam Breatannaich, ach tha thusa is GunChleoc on Ghearmailt 'an Iar' mar a bha, nach eil? A bheil thu cinnteach nach e 'central European work ethic' ginearalachadh ro mhòr? Smaointinn nach eil na Teacaich nas coltaiche ris na Gearmailtich an Iar na tha, m.e., na Frangaich ris na Flannraich.

Cuideachd, ged a tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil mi dìcheallach gu reusanta a-nis, nuair a thoir mi sùil air ais air na làithean san cholaisde agamsa, cha chreid mi idir nach do chuir mise agus cuid mhòr dhen chàirdean agam seachad tìde na bu mhotha ann an taighean-seinnse na san oilthigh fhèin :? . Cho fad 's nach do thill iad sinn a-mach, bha sinn ag ionnsachadh cho beag 's a b' urrainn dhuinn...

Co-dhiù, le O'Henry-ish bha mi dìreach airson a ràdh gu bheil mi air obair ann an grunn sheòrsa obrach gu math eadar-dhealaichte, ach nach robh aon dhiubh co-cheangailte ri cuspairean sgoilearach. Chanainn gu bheil mi math air typos a lorgadh taing dha na càirdean dall air faclan agam a bha ag iarraidh orm na litrichean is puist-d is SMS-ean aca a cheartachadh fad na h-ùine...
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by Thrissel »

p 402: clàr-bìdh is at clann instead of at clàr
p 422: maidne /maN??/ -> /madN??/ as in AFB?
p 446: a' dèanamh [d?ian?v] -> [? 'd?ian?v] (the others have it)
A18: -aich(-): [?] -> [?ç]
C08: "is at the beginning of words elsewhere" - would "at the beginning of a word followed by something else/not followed by n or h" be better?
AFB: litreachadh /Lihdr?x??/ -> /L?ihdr?x??/
AFB: cnuasaich 2 stduy! ->dusty!

Inevitably I have a question too but I'll start a new thread for it, it's related to my own shortcomings.
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Re: Blas na Gàidhlig - Na mearachdan beaga

Unread post by Thrissel »

Duilich, ceithir eile...

tilg: p 440 /t?ilig/ -> /t?ilig?/

buntàta: p 398 /b?n?tahd?/ vs AFB /b?N?ta?hd?/ - both possible? Is it related to section 5.6.17 - btw just noticed potatoes and police have probably been dropped from the examples but not from the title

brod: AFB /brod/ - not /br?d/ (dito /fosgal/ below)?

fosgail: I suppose p 414 /f?sg?l/ vs AFB /fosgal/ is just the colloquail vs careful difference, but I don't understand why fosgailte is /f?sg?ld??/ rather than /f?sgald??/ - is this irregular or does the -te ending always affect the preceding -ail this way - eg /sa:v?ld??/ rather than /sa:vald??/?
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