
Goireasan ionnsachaidh, ceanglaichean feumail is mar sin / Gaelic learning resources, useful links etc.
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by SGROG »

If Cli is fine for you then pay your sub (if you can afford it). I used to be a member but began to feel that its services although valuable werent' too relvant to me and I could always see the latest copy of Cothrom in the library. If I had unlimited funds I would probably take out a subscription again just to give them a bit of cash.
I must agree that regardless of your opinion of Cli it doesn't make sense for anyone running classes not to submit a few details. Another thing I find interesting is how do you quantify the success or failure of a gaelic group, especially Cli?

*Graisg: 4 Cothrom magazines + 4 Cds for £25 in your mind is expensive !!!
Some us like to make a contribution to Gaelic and but reading the freebie in the library does nt do that. The Cothrom magazine is excellent and is value for money.Name me what else is out there for learners to read!

Success or failure of any group is whether they are doing what they are being funded for? With Cli i believe they very much are and more.They have supported Ulpan and other learner services for years and still do so.

Learn gaelic.net does not belong to Cli as far as i know.They have been tasked to provide the information part only and have been asked to host the helpline[freephone]

Faoileag: Im sure Cli does nt claim to be the only voice of the 21 century Gaelic learner.If you are peeved about that why not email Cli and i`m sure they will change "The" to "A".

I totally understand that Mygaelic.com did not live up to what was expected of it. Learngaelic has differnt aims and c`mon, lets support something that is out there as an asset rather than shooting it down before it can walk. If you have a gripe, tell them,the contact information is there for all to see.

Re: LearnGaelic

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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by faoileag »

Not 'peeved', just feel claim was misleading , and have long told them.
No axe to grind, no political interest to declare. :priob:

My comments on here are public to encourage discussion and feedback to the site organisers - they have been pointed in this direction. I've also encouraged others to go to the site and give praise where it's due as well as any 'constructive' comments.

As I've already said, I'd like to see a good site become better, not undermine it, but for that there has to be awareness of what's there and what's not, and publicity in general - airing comments on a forum like this has that function too. Just quietly writing to them in private doesn't.

BTW I agree with you about Cothrom - I also get it and consider it a) good value, b) money going to a good cause. :D
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by spuinneadair »

Here is something interesting I found out while poking about in the innards of learngaelic.net today. I think others may find it useful.

The site contains all the staged video segments from all 72 episodes of Speaking Our Language - 11 hours of video. These are made available via streaming, but there is no option for downloading them to your hard drive, transferring them to your iphone/ipad etc, for offline viewing. However, the URLs for the video files themselves are clearly visible. So you can download the video files at the following kind of URL:

http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/sol-v ... p01_01.mp4

This allows you to download and save season 1, episode 1, segment 1. There is a maximum of 9 segments per episode, and four seasons of 18 episodes. Also every episode has a "drama" segment as well:

http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/sol-v ... _drama.mp4

This means it is easy to download all the video files, save them to your hard drive for offline viewing, transfer them to your phone or iPad, etc, especially if you know a bit about shell scripting.

There is nothing in the terms and conditions that says you are not allowed to do this. [Actually there are no terms and conditions, but that's a whole other story ;-]
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by Gràisg »

"Some us like to make a contribution to Gaelic and but reading the freebie in the library does nt do that."

It's pretty grim actually to make the suggestion that just because you might read Cothrom in a library rather than buy it then you are not making a contribution to Gaelic. It's hard to work out where you are coming from on that Sgrog. Are you trying to belittle me because I obviously have to count my pennies more than you do? My current income is around £50 per week and will stay like that until around March - Cothrom is not on the agenda - the odd Gaelic novel might be however.
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by akerbeltz »

Air ur socair, a bhalachaibh! I'm sure he didn't mean you should starve in order to get Cothrom but meant that in general, if you can afford it, membership fees in CLI are money well spent compared to other stuff you could spend it on, say a subscription to Fox News :)
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by faoileag »

Chuala mi gum bi iad an dùil ceanglaichean taobh a-muigh na h-Alba a chuir a-steach aig toiseach na bliadhna ùire. :D
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Bhiodh sin sgoinneil! :D
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by Seonaidh »

It is nice to have the cothrom to read it in a library: chan eil mi cinnteach, ach smaoinidh mi nach eil an iris ud ri fhaotainn ann an leabharlannan na Rìoghachd. Mar a thuirt REM, "Consider this": ma cheannaicheas mi Cothrom, 's dòcha gum bi mi ga leughadh agus sin e. Mi bhios i ri faotainn san leabharlann, ceannaichidh a' Chomhairle i agus bidh cothrom aig barrachd dhaoine ga leughadh.
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Carson nach bruidhinn thu ris an leabharlann ionadail agad. Ma tha ùidh gu leòr ann, is dòcha gum faigh iad subscription. Ach feumaidh fios a bhith aca an toiseach gu bheil daoine ga h-iarraidh. Cò aige tha fios, is dòcha gum faigh iad i ma dh'fhaighnicheas tu :D
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Joe Vecked!
An Gobaire
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by An Gobaire »

Reading it in a library is an equal way of supporting the magazine if it is recorded by the library that it has been read...x amount of times.

Surely the fact that the magazine is available to read in the library means that the money has already been spent on the magazine from an allocated budget in the first place. If noone reads it, then the library will stop stocking them and will stop paying Clì for that privilege!
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by Gràisg »

Chan eil Cothrom ri fhaighinn san Leabharlann Inbhir Narann a-nis ach bha o chionn grunn bhliadhna. Co-dhiù carson nach cuir air loidhne e saor an asghaidh agus cuir stad air an leth-bhreach cruaidh? Bhiodh fhathast cosgais fear-dheasaiche ann ach cha bhiodh cosgais clo-bhualaidh ann. Deànadh PDFs agus rtfs airson na Kindles a chuis. 'S docha ri fhaighinn a bhlog air choireigin agus dh'fhaodadh sinne (luchd-ionnsachaidh) conaltraidh a dhèanamh mu thimchioll artigailean. Ged a tha e feumail an ann an Cothrom rudeigin nas freagarrach san sean mhile-bliadhna?

B' ann mar sin a bha An Gaidheal Ur nach maireann ga thaisbeanadh dhan t-saoghal. A bheil am modail aig Cli seashmach anns an uine fada nuair a tha a' mhòr chuid a' tiondaidh don eadar-lìn son an cuid fiosrachadh, tha e caran sean-fhàiseanta a bhith feathamh ceithir miosan gus iris fhaighinn.
An Gobaire
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by An Gobaire »

A bheil e sean-fhasanta? Chan eil mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil. Bhiomaid a' feitheamh ceithir mìosan fhathast ris gach iris air-loidhne. Bhom thaobh fhìn, b' fheàrr leam lethbhreac pàipeir a bhith agam seach dìreach ga leughadh air-loidhne. Tha leughadh air-loidhne gam fhàgail glè sgìth uaireannan le dealradh geal an sgàilein.
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by Thrissel »

Cuideachd, cha chreid mi nach eil daoine ann (gun Chothrom san leabharlann ionadail, a' fuireach thall thairis amsaa) a tha gu math deònach an ràitheachan clò a cheannach a-nis ach nach biodh cho deònach sin a dhèanamh ma bhiodh e saor an asgaidh air an Eadar-lìon. Mi fhìn m.e.
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Re: LearnGaelic

Unread post by faoileag »

Tha mise a' dol leibh. :D

Bidh mi air an eadar-lìon no ag obair air a' choimpiutair uairean a thìde gach latha. Tha artaigilean agus blogaichean Gàidhlig gu leòr ann ma bhios thu airson rudeigin a leughadh air-loidhne no tro mheadhan didseatach.

Tha mise toilichte 'cothrom' fhaighinn Gàidhlig a leughadh ann an iris, dìreach mar a leughas mi irisean sa Bheurla, air pàipear, san trèana, air an t-sofa, air an tràigh, aig an dotair....agus gun a bhith an crochadh air inneal no bataraidh sam bith. Agus tha mo shùilean taingeil gu leòr.

Air an eadar-lìon tha mi nas mì-fhoighidniche, atharraichidh mi an làrach nas trìce, cha leughaidh mi na h-artaigilean gu tur, no leanaidh mi ceangal san teachdaireachd dìreach oir tha e ann, agus dìochuimnichidh mi tilleadh.

Seo dòigh eile a bhith a' leughadh, rudeigin eadar leabhar a leughadh agus blog air loidhne a leughadh - agus 's e dòigh uabhasach tlachdmhhor agus fheumail a th' innte - dhomhsa co-dhiù.

Cum ort, a Chothruim! :moladh:
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