Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

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Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

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Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig mar litreachas "post colonial" Dè Gàidhlig air post colonial? Co-dhiù thachair mi air PDF inntinneach air loidhne. Tha mi daonnan air a bhith smaoineachadh an ann (son a cuid as motha dheth) dhan mhór-cultair a tha bàrdachd Gàidhlig ga reic air sgàth 's gu bheil eadar-theangachaidh Beurla buailteach a bhith ri a taobh? Seo na tha mi air a bhith leughadh

Gaelic Scotland – A Postcolonial Site? In Search of a
Meaningful Theoretical Framework to Assess the Dynamics
of Contemporary Scottish Gaelic Verse

Seo grunn pìosan na bhuail orm:

“As Wilson McLeod observes, ‘the role of tr*nsl*t**n is fundamental
to contemporary Gaelic poetry, for matters have reached the stage where
hardly any volume of Gaelic poetry is published without accompanying en
face English tr*nsl*t**n’ (1998, p.151).6”

“Revealingly, McLeod interprets prevailing publication
practices of Gaelic verse as ‘reflection of and metaphor for’ the decline of
Gaelic as living language, pointing out the underlying logic:
The Gaelic speech community has shrunk by three quarters
over the last century, from a population substantially
monoglot to a bilingual population dominant in Gaelic, to a
bilingual population ever more obviously dominant in
English. With English being universal, Gaelic is no longer
needed for communication, indeed no longer needed at all. In
a sense, then, packaging Gaelic poetry in such a way as to
push it into a kind of existential limbo is only appropriate.
The utilitarian logic seems impeccable: Why bother with the
expense of printing Gaelic introductions when everyone can
read English? Why bother with printing Gaelic versions of
the poems? And the inevitable last question: why bother with
Gaelic at all? (1998, p.151)”

“In fact, tr*nsl*t**n itself becomes a
double-edged sword for minorities. On the one hand, every minority
language speaker must rely on the practice of tr*nsl*t**n as a tool to
communicate with the wider world. On the other hand, tr*nsl*t**n endangers
the survival of the minority language in that it inevitably strengthens the
majority language in its oppressive character while confining the minority
language to the margins of a linguistic community, finally pushing it into
disappearance. As Cronin has it, ‘tr*nsl*t**n is both predator and deliverer,
enemy and friend’ (1998, p.148). He illustrates his point by referring to the
example of bilingual Irish/English publications of modern Irish poetry:
The translators and editors of tr*nsl*t**n anthologies
defended their work on the grounds that the translations
would bring the work of Irish-language poets to a wider
audience […]. The acceptance of tr*nsl*t**n by many
prominent poets in the Irish language could be seen as an
endorsement of a policy of openness, delivering poets in a
minority language from the invisibility of small readerships.
However, the target-language, English, was not innocent. In a
situation of diglossia where the minority language is
competing for the attention of the same group of speakers,
Irish people, then tr*nsl*t**n cannot be divorced from issues
of power and cultural recuperation. (1995, p.92)”

“The corpus of modern Gaelic verse could thus fairly
be argued to be a Gaelic flavoured extension to the already large canon of
literature in English.”

tuilleadh an seo: http://www.scottishhistorysociety.org/m ... 178_en.pdf

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Re: Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Analysis ceàrr, smaoin. Thèid bàrdachd Bheurla an-diugh à Fraingis - uill, beachdan Frangach, co-dhiù, mar verse libre. Agus a bheil sinn uile a' tionndadh gu Frangais a bhruidhinn?
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Re: Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Ach chan fhaigh thu a h-uile dàn Beurla ann an leabhar dà-chànanach le Fraingis an cois. 'S e suidheachadh diofraichte a th' ann conaltradh eadar dà chànan no deasachadh dà-chànanach air a h-uile rud.

Cha bhi cànan beò mura h-eil adhbharan agad ga cleachdadh. Cha bhi dàn mar a bha e nuair a nì thu eadar-theangachadh air, ach mura h-eil a Ghàidhlig agad, cha mhothaich thu fiù 's gu bheil rud ann nach tuig thu.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

Unread post by Seonaidh »

'S ann ceart a tha thu le sin. Cha b' fheudar do bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig a dhol fhoillseachadh gach turas ri taobh na Beurla. Mar eisimpleir, tha leabhar agam, "Rwy i'n Gweld o Bell", le T.E. Nicholas, a tha na chruinneachadh de bhàrdachd "Niclas y Glais" sa Chuimris a-mhàin. Carson nach tachair seo sa Ghàidhlig an-diugh?
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Re: Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

Unread post by Gràisg »

An e dìreach doigh gus barrachd leabhraichean a reic a tha seo? San fharsaigneachd ge-tà seall air ciamar a tha daoine gun fhacal gàidhlig deònach beachd a thoirt seachd air bardachd Somhairle MacIlleathain? A uile beachd agus smaoin a th' aca a' crochadh air na duilleagan Beurla a leugh iad.
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Re: Bàrdach Ghàidhlig mar litricheas "post colonial"

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Tachraidh a leithid le mòr-chànanan cuideachd. An diofar, 's e gun tèid iad a' foillseachadh sa chiad chànan a-mhàin an toiseach mar as trice.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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