Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

An toil leat ceòl, bàrdachd no ealain sam bith eile? Am faca tu rudeigin inntinneach air an TBh? Innse dhuinn air / Do you like music, poetry or any other art form? Did you see anything interesting on the telly? Tell us about it
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Thrissel »

poor_mouse wrote:Ach 's e an rud eile (diofraichte?) anns an Seann-Tiomnadh.
Chanainnsa / I would say
Ach 's e rud eadar-dhealaichte a tha anns an t-Seann Tiomnaidh.
poor_mouse wrote:Gabhaibh mo leisgeul airson off-topic mòr!
I beg your pardon for the large off-topic!
Na gabh dragh. Chan e sgoil a tha seo, chan fheum sinn cumail ri cuspair an leasain airson a chrìochnachadh mus seirm an clag... :priob:
Don't worry. This is not a school, we don't have to stick to the topic of the lesson in order to finish it before the bell rings...

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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Mòran taing, a Thrissel!
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Scott »

Feasgar Math a dhuinne!

Tha mi aig smuantiann seo "evicted" is "cleared" mar "the clearances".

In my experience in the U.S. it is not popular for the majority Anglo society to acknowledge the fact of the clearances. The clearances are why so many people are in North America and are of Scottish origin. Scottish re-independence would do a lot to return our lost honor and vindicate our people. Sorry if this is too political for this forum, but this is a very touchy issue for me.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

It is a very touchy issue indeed and emotions can run high very fast. IMHO denying the clearances is like denying the holocaust or what was done to indigenous people all over the world, because you can't face up to the fact that something bad happened in your history.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

GunChleoc wrote:...because you can't face up to the fact that something bad happened in your history.
Seo an t-adhbhar gu dearhb! Cha bu toil leis an fheadhainn rudeigin dona sam bith aideachadh mu dhèidhinn co-mhaoineas an-seo anns an Ruis, mar eisimpleir. Ach feumaidh sinn sin aideachadh ma tha sinn ag iarraidh na beatha nas fheàrr dhuinn.

It's the reason really! Many people do not want to admit anything bad concerning communism here, in Russia, for example. But it's necessary if we want the better life for us.

(Chan eil deagh Bheurla agam agus chan eil mi cinnteach uaireigin nach eil mo abairtean sa Bheurla nas miosa na mo abairtean sa Ghàidhlig!)

(My English is not very good and I am not sure sometimes if my phrases in English are not worse than my phrases in Gaelic!)
Last edited by poor_mouse on Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Ist, tha Beurla glè mhath agad!
Shush, you English is very good
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam

Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by conmaol »

A bheil duine sam bith ag iarraidh òran eile a chuir air shùilibh? [Anybody fancy suggesting another song for us to listen to and learn?]
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by faoileag »

Dè mu dheidhinn 'Cànan nan Gàidheal`?


Faclan agus eadar-theangachadh - lyrics and tr*nsl*t**n.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Glè mhath, moran taing! Tha mi air a leughadh agus bith mi ag èisteachd ris a-nochd, nuair a bhios mi aig an taigh.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Susy »

A bheil sibh a´bruidhinn ri Alba fhathast?
Talk you still about Alba?

Dè mu dheidhinn rudeigin eile ? :priob:
What about something else?

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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Cò meud òrain Gàidhlig a th' aig a' Ghearmailt, a Shuzy? Sin e, chan fhurasta a tha bruidhinn mu dheidhinn nithean nach buin a dh'Alba nuair a bhruidhnear air òrain Gàidhlig.
How many Gaelic songs has Germany got, Suzy? That is, it ain't easy talking about things unrelated to Scotland when you're talking about Gaelic songs.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by faoileag »

Tha mi a' smaoineachdh gur e an t-òran 'Alba' a bha i a' ciallachadh, agus chan e Alba fhèin.

Ach a Shiusaidh, 's e 'Cànan nan Gàidheal` a bh' anns an òran mu dheireadh.
Dè do bheachd mu dheidhinn sin?

I think it was the song 'Alba' she meant, not Scotland itself.

But 'Cànan nan Gàidheal ' was the last song mentioned.
What do you think about that?
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Susy »

Seadh! Tha sin ceart. :priob: Bha mi a´ciallachadh an òrain. Bidh mi ag èisteachd ri „Canan nan Gàidheal“.
Yeah! That´s right. I meant the song. I ´ll listen to „Canan nan Gàidheal“.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by Susy »

Uill, an uair sin tha mi airson a thòiseachadh leis a´mhìneachadh.
Well, then I would start with the interpretation.
´S aithne dhomh an òran, ach chan eil mi eòlach air anns na ceòladairean gu math.
I know the song, but I don´t know the musicians well.
´S e òran brèagha, ach truagh cuideachd, a th´ann. ´S e òran a th´ann le ceithir rannan is aon sèist.
It´s a beautiful but also sad song. It is a song with four verses and one chorus.
Tha clàrsach, bogsa-ciùil is giotàr nan seasamh air beulaibh an fhuinn. ´S e ceòl tradaiseanta is fasanta a th´ann. Is toil leamsa na guthan. :D
Harp, accordion and guitar are at the forefront of the melody. It is traditional and modern music. I like the voices.
Chan aithne dhomh na notaichean, ach tha mi cinnteach gun do sgrìobh an ceòl-sgrìobhaiche cuid an fhuinn ann am mion.
I don´t know the musical notes, but I'm sure that the composer has written a part of the melodie in a minor key.
Tha an coimeas leis an nàdar a´còrdadh rium cuideachd. Seo sàr eisimpleir: „Ach an galar a bhlian ò 'n deas, blàth, duileach, stoc agus freumh, cànan mo threubh 's mo shluagh“.
I also like the comparison with the nature. Here is a perfect example: „But the disease which has blanched from the south, the blossom, foliage, stem and roots, o f the language of my race and people“.
´B e Sasassanaich a bh´annta fhuadachadh a´Ghàidhlig.
They were from Britain, the Gaelic repressed.
´S e an tagradh airson na daoine ann an Alba nach dìochuimhneachadh an cànan aca is am meacan aca fhèin.
It's the call for people in Scotland, not to forget their own language and root.
´S e aon dòigh a´mhìneachaidh. That is one possibility of interpretation.
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Re: Òran Gàidhlig na Seachdain?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

´S aithne dhomh an t-òran, ach chan eil mi eòlach air na ceòladairean gu math.

nach dìochuimhneachadh iad an cànan aca is na freumhan aca fhèin.

Seo aon dòigh gus a mhìneachadh
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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