Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

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Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

Unread post by Gràisg »

Dean cabhag agus seall air a' bheachd a chaidh fhoillseachadh air bonn an duilleag seo (bha e ann aig 20.05 20.08.11) ... 082011.htm

's docha nach bi e ann fada ge-tà ach carson a leig am moderator aca am beachd sin fhoillseachadh.
Rinn mi screenshot dheth agus chuir mi an teacsa gu Art.

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Re: Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Cha ghabh a' ghràin seo creidsinn :roll:
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

Unread post by Gràisg »

Tha e fhathast ann, ach air duilleag 2 (beachdan) a-nis, thàinig beachdan taiceil don Ghàidhlig a-steach air a' mhullach. Chaidh a fhoillseachadh air an 12/08/11 agus mar sin saoilidh mi nach eil leisgeil sam bith air a' Phàipear ud. Carson a tha a leithid teachdaireachd cho gràineil 's ghabhas agus a tha brosnachadh foineart chun na Gàidheil fhatast ann? A bheil an luchd-obrach aca taiceil ris a' bheachd ud? ... 082011.htm

Beyond the pale anti-gaelic comment still on newspaper website:

"delighted that there is no Gay-lick school in caithness now -the language is an absolute perversion, we are norse speakers in caithness and this dead mongrel tongue should never be allowed to desecrate the flow country again - if you see a hebridean punch him then spit in his ugly black pudding chewing face - dead language and the money should be spent on cleaning up the riots in london. all hail councillors rosie, mackay and coghill for standing up to these FACIST GAELIC SCUMHOLES"

To be found at the bottom of the webpage on the second page of comments: ... 082011.htm
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Re: Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

Unread post by Gràisg »

Seo na sgrìobh Art coir agus feadhainn eile:

Alasdair The views of fools cannot be helped, but this paper should be reviewed for publishing what amounts to hate crime.
22/08/2011 12:10
Arthur Cormack Gosh, I didn't know I could understand Norse! I am assuming Dirty Wicker is having a laugh but, if not, his/her comments should be removed from the website as offensive.
22/08/2011 11:02
Aneirin Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn an inntinn ud mar a dh'fhoillsicheas "Dirty Wicker" roimhe. Cha bhi mi - no 'n teaghlach agam - a' tadhal air Inbhir Theòrsa a-rithist mus an tig soidhnichean dà-chànanach an sin.
21/08/2011 21:19
Dunkan The vile comments at the bottom of this page were published on the 12th of August and amount to racial hatred and an incitement to violence. Because they have stayed up for so long then it is safe to assume that they have the support of this newspaper.
21/08/2011 16:37
Loveday How can you denigrate the Gaelic language like that - even if you dont speak it it is an asset for the whole of Scotland and enhances tourist interest. I come from Cornwall and would certainly prefer to see gaelic signage across the whole of Scotland. the Council in Cornwall has a policy of bilingual signage across the whole of Cornwall even though less than one percent of the population can speak Cornish. The use of the language has attracted many favourable comments from tourists and has an economic benefit for goods and businesses
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Re: Beachd air duilleag Caithness Courier - seall air!

Unread post by Gràisg »

Air a sguabadh air falbh an diugh - mu dheireadh thall ach le a h-uile beachd eile a thàinig as a dhèidh.
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