Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by EowynAnduin »

Here I come out of reading mode into writing. This past year I have learned a lot thanks to the AGA class and my classmates. I am still wrapping my head around some concepts, probably due to my lack of grammatical english knowledge :). I speak it and have no idea of how it is all put together in technical terms ;) To me there is a verb a subject and a whole heck of a lot of other stuff. What that other stuff is to me is the confusing part. Thus I am going to see if starting from a word and then lengthening it out will assist me in putting sentences together. I welcome guidance.


Tha cù agam
Bha cat agam
Tha cù mòr
Bha cat maith
Tha cù mòr dubh, geal, agus donn
Bha cat maith geal agus glas
Tha cù a' coiseachd
Bha cat liesg agus cha robh e a' coiseachd luath
'S toil leam coin agus cait. Tha iad mo teaghlach. Chan eil clann agam cho tha cù agam agus cat agam mo clann. A bheil sibh clann no teaghlach mòr? Cò mheud? An toil clann no coin no cait? 'S toil iad. Tha e àm a dhol ag obair ach tha mi ag iarraidh a dhol dhan tràigh. Là math.

I have a dog
I had a cat
The dog is big
The cat was fat
The big dog is black, white and brown
The fat cat was white and grey
The dog is walking
The cat was lazy and it was not walking fast
I like dogs and cats. They are my family. I have no children so my dog and my cat are my children. Do you have children or a big family? How many? Do you like children or dogs or cats? I like them. It is time to go to work but I want to go to the beach. Have a good day.

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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by EowynAnduin »

Tha mi a' ruigheachd a-mach gu sibh.
Tha i a' flodadh air an gaoth.
Tha i a' goireadh sibh dhan fòn.
An toil leat dachaigh agam?

I am reaching out to you.
It is floating on the wind.
She is calling you to the phone.
Do you like my home?
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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by jjb362 »

EowynAnduin wrote:Here I come out of reading mode into writing. This past year I have learned a lot thanks to the AGA class and my classmates. I am still wrapping my head around some concepts, probably due to my lack of grammatical english knowledge :). I speak it and have no idea of how it is all put together in technical terms ;) To me there is a verb a subject and a whole heck of a lot of other stuff. What that other stuff is to me is the confusing part. Thus I am going to see if starting from a word and then lengthening it out will assist me in putting sentences together. I welcome guidance.


Tha cù agam
Bha cat agam
Tha cù mòr
Bha cat maith
Tha cù mòr dubh, geal, agus donn
Bha cat maith geal agus glas
Tha cù a' coiseachd
Bha cat liesg agus cha robh e a' coiseachd luath
'S toil leam coin agus cait. Tha iad mo teaghlach. Chan eil clann agam cho tha cù agam agus cat agam mo clann. A bheil sibh clann no teaghlach mòr? Cò mheud? An toil clann no coin no cait? 'S toil iad. Tha e àm a dhol ag obair ach tha mi ag iarraidh a dhol dhan tràigh. Là math.

I have a dog
I had a cat
The dog is big
The cat was fat
The big dog is black, white and brown
The fat cat was white and grey
The dog is walking
The cat was lazy and it was not walking fast
I like dogs and cats. They are my family. I have no children so my dog and my cat are my children. Do you have children or a big family? How many? Do you like children or dogs or cats? I like them. It is time to go to work but I want to go to the beach. Have a good day.
Seo an fhreagairt agam, agus tha mi an dòchas gun cuidich seo thu.

The dog is big = Tha an cù mòr.
The cat was fat = Bha an cat reamhar (Not sure where maith comes from, usual word in this context is reamhar - an = the)
The big dog is black, white and brown - Tha an cù mòr dubh agus geal agus donn (An = the)
The fat cat was white and grey = Bha an cat reamhar geal agus liath
The dog is walking = Tha an cù a' coiseachd (an = the)
The cat was lazy and it was not walking fast = Bha an cat leisg, agus cha robh e a' coiseachd gu luath (gu makes it an adverb)

I like dogs and cats. They are my family. I have no children so my dog and my cat are my children. Do you have children or a big family? How many? Do you like children or dogs or cats? I like them. It is time to go to work but I want to go to the beach. Have a good day. =

Is toigh leam coin agus cait. Tha iad 'nan teaghlach agam (or 'se mo theaghlach a th'annta). Chan eil clann agam, mar sin tha mo chù agus mo chat nan clann agam. Am bheil clann no teaghlach mòr agad? Cia mheud? An toigh leat clann no coin no cait? Is toigh leam iad. 'Se àm a th'ann ri dol don obair, ach tha mi ag iarraidh dol don chladach/don tràigh. Gum bi latha math agad.

Tha mi an dòchas gum bidh seo gad chuideachadh = I hope that this helps you.

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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by jjb362 »

EowynAnduin wrote:Gàidhlig
Tha mi a' ruigheachd a-mach gu sibh.
Tha i a' flodadh air an gaoth.
Tha i a' goireadh sibh dhan fòn.
An toil leat dachaigh agam?

I am reaching out to you = Tha mi a' ruigsinn oirbh
It is floating on the wind = Tha i (she) a' flodadh air a' ghaoth ( prepositional case lenites)
She is calling you to the phone. - Tha i 'gad ghairm dhan fòn
Do you like my home?
- An toigh leat mo dhachaigh?
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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by EowynAnduin »

I see my issue with "the". Thank you. I see where in English I changed from "A" to "The" without a thought. I did not do this when I flipped to Gàidhlig. Practicing and being aware are steps that I am transitioning through.

The word I used for 'fat' came out of one of the dictionaries. I knew 'reamhar' not sure why it left my brain.
Bha an cat leisg, agus cha robh e a' coiseachd gu luath

I was wondering how I make 'fast' an adverb. Is this correct? - When describing a noun (adjective), for the most part the adjective comes after the noun
and does not need the 'helper' to make it an adjective. When describing a verb (adverb) it (the adverb) requires a 'helper', in this case 'gu' to make the describer, in this case 'luath' the adverb?
Tha mi a' ruigsinn oirbh agus Tha i 'gad ghairm dhan fòn -- constructs to come i am trusting next term.
Chan eil clann agam, mar sin tha mo chù agus mo chat nan clann agam.

I am still wrestling with when to use the different cases of possession.
Starting out I understand to use 'mo,do,a' etc as very personal possessive IE: my head, my hand and that others
may fall under the 'have' constructs. Still working this piece :) thanks

It is floating on the wind = Tha i (she) a' flodadh air a' ghaoth ( prepositional case lenites)

Interesting. Can I then interrupt, for the most part, that if I used 'The bird is floating on the wind.'
That the word 'gaoth' would not be lenited?

many thanks :)
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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by faoileag »

Mo, do etc are strictly speaking for 'inalienables', things that are essential to your person or identity.
However, when you see your pets as family, as children, they tend nowadays at least to change from 'an cat agam' to 'mo chat.'
(There's much controversy about where to draw the line, and the influence of English on the over-adoption of mo etc)

Re adverb formation, yes: add 'gu'
Tha mi cho slaodach an-diugh!
Bha iad a' coiseachd gu slaodach tron bhaile.

air a' ghaoth (or in conservative grammar, air a' ghaoith, as gaoth is feminine, and you slenderise feminine nouns in the dative):
this remains, regardless of the gender of the subject of the sentence.
Tha i air a' ghaoth, tha e air a' ghaoth, tha sinn air a' ghaoth, tha na h-eòin air a' ghaoth.

'air' and most other simple prepositions (aig, le, do, tro, ann an etc) take the Dative (also known, logically, as the 'prepositional') case.
If there's a 'the' involved, that means lenition where possible, and wee extras with some Fs and Ss.
anns a' chàr, dhan bhaile, leis an leabhar, aig an oifis, air a' bhàta, anns an t-seòmar, leis an fhacal.....
(Check out the various preps and noun cases in your AGA reference materials, TYG, and in TAIC, eg Unit 5 onwards, and Appendix 9 http://taic.me.uk/taic.htm )
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Re: Goirid gu Fada [Short to Long]

Unread post by EowynAnduin »

Yes a good review is in order. Especially seeing I am signing up for the next level. I hate going in unprepared. Thanks :)
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