Island Voices Moot?

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Gordon Wells
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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by Gordon Wells »

‘S fhada on uair sin, a chàirdean. Coltach ri mòran eile, tha mi air cus ùine a chur seachad air Facebook. Ach saoil am biodh e ciallach fòram mar seo a chleachdadh na bu thrice? Chaidh a’ cheist sin a thogail air Guthan nan Eilean o chionn treiseag, agus ‘s e a thuirt Nìall Beag (mar a chì sibh sna comments) ach gum bu chòir Fòram na Gàidhlig a chleachdadh airson na bha fainear dhuinn. Dè ur beachdan fhèin? ... ices-moot/

It’s been a long time, friends. Like many others, I’ve spent too much time on Facebook. But would it make sense to use a forum like this more often? This question was raised on Island Voices recently, and Nìall Beag said (as you’ll see in the comments) that we should use Fòram na Gàidhlig for what we had in mind. What are your thoughts?

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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by Mairead »

Shaoil mi an toiseach gun robh thu a' bruidhinn mu pagan moot sa Ghàidhlig, haha... Chan fhios agam ma tha mi a' cleachadh (?) Island Voices Moot, ach 's e rud math a th' ann ma tha mòran a' cleachadh Fòram na Gàidhlig ri linn sin.

I thought at first you were talking about a pagan moot in Gaelic, haha... I don't know if I would use Island Voices Moot, but it's a good idea if more people use the Gaelic forum because of it.
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Gordon Wells
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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by Gordon Wells »

Mòran taing, a Mhairead. No 's dòcha Ent Moot (à la Tolkien)! Chì sinn a bheil beachdan aig daoine eile...

Many thanks, Mairead. Or perhaps an Ent Moot (à la Tolkien)! We'll see if others have opinions...

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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Thàining Entmoot a-steach orm cuideachd :lol:

Cha chreid mi gur e deagh bheachd a bhiodh ann bòrd-bràth eile a stèidheachadh on a bhiodh e a' sgaradh na coimearsnachd. Tha e nas fhasa do dhaoine mura leig iad leas ach aon làrach is chunntas a chleachdadh agus seo fear de na h-adhbharan gu bheil Facebook cho soirbheachail cha chreid.

Bhiodh fàilte chridheil oirbh an-seo gu dearbh ma thogras sibh :D

Chan eil mi fhìn measail air "social login" ach chuirinn comas ris a' bhòrd-bhràth seo ma tha sinn dhen bheachd gun cuidich e.

Entmoot came into my mind too :D

I don't think it would be a good idea to establish another board, because it would split up the community. It's easier for people if they only need to use one site and account and I guess that's one of the reasons that Facebook is so successful.

There'd be a warm welcome for you here if you want :D

Personally, I'm not fond of social logins, but I'd be willing to add the feature to this board if we think that it will help.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
Gordon Wells
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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by Gordon Wells »

Taing airson do fhreagairt, a GhunChleoic chòir - agus airson cuireadh a thoirt do Ghuthan nan Eilean. Dh'fheumte feitheamh greiseag fhathast mus dèan sinn dad, saoilidh mi, feuch a bheil ùidh aig daoine eile anns na tha fainear dhuinn. PS. Dè th' ann an Social Login?

Thank you for your answer, GunChleoc - and for extending an invitation to Island Voices. We should wait a while before we do anything, I think, to see if anyone else is interested in what we have in mind. PS. What's Social Login?
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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

'S e a th' ann an social login gur urrainn do dhaoine clàradh a-steach le cunntas o làrach eile, can Facebook
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Island Voices Moot?

Unread post by akerbeltz »

Seadh, tha mi ag aontachadh, bhiodh e nas fheàrr earrann shònraichte a chruthachadh an-seo na làrach eile - tha e cho doirbh critical mass a lorg - tha fiù an t-àite seo fhèin car sàmhach aig amannan.

Agree, better to have a special section on here than a new site, it's so hard to get critical mass, even here is a tad quiet at times.
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