Sgudal as ùire... :-(

Na tha a' tachairt ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus na pàipearan-naidheachd / What's happening in the Gaelic world and the newspapers
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Sgudal as ùire... :-(

Unread post by faoileag »

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Re: Sgudal as ùire... :-(

Unread post by Gràisg »

Seachad air gràin aig Gina bhochd air na Nàiseantaich air adhbhar an taic aca don chànain chan eil dad as ùire san sgudal àbhaisteach a tha siud. Chan eil feadhainn beò san linne ùr agus tha a leithid den Bhuidheann Albannach a' gearain nach eil daoine a' ceannach pàipearan-naidheachd! Saoil gu bheil am buidheann Albannach airson a bhith na thèarmann mu dheireadh den amadain an aghaidh Gàidhlig (seann nòs)? An gabh duine sam bith dragh ma thèid an Evening Times às an uinneig?

Nar linne gheibhear mòran pàipearan naidheachd ann an suideachadh cugallach cunnartach, seo beagan fiosrachadh bhon Ghuardian:
"However, some believe worries about competition issues are simply a smokescreen, suggesting the real roadblock to mergers is the stretched balance sheets of some of the key players. Johnston Press, the owner of titles including the Scotsman, carries significant debt of £388m and has a market capitalisation of just £70m."

Tuilleadh an seo: ... iffe-media
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Re: Sgudal as ùire... :-(

Unread post by Caoimhin.MacGilliosa »

More of the same from another self loather.
Arthur Cormac is a good read when defending Gaelic.
Ethnic engineering - Eh? No one is saying you hae to be ginger, pale and be called Hamish Hotshot McTavish to go to the school.

I wish they'd start writing something new. The last few anti-Gaelic articles that I've seen all seem to state the same thing but just written
by a different author.

I love also how people associate Gaelic with the SNP. All the major political parties in Scotland backed the Gaelic bill.

It was refreshing to read that survey where over 81% felt it was important that we didn't lose Gaelic and 53% believe
Gaelic should be used more in Scotland.

Are there any folk out there who are in-different to it? People seem to either very much for or against it.
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Re: Sgudal as ùire... :-(

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Bhiodh math nam biodh An Scotsman a' cleachdadh luchd-naidheachd a bha comasach air litreachadh. Smathaid gum biodh Dsionag na deagh litreachaire nam biodh i air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh...
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