Ex-premier seeks to defuse fallout at Gaelic College

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Ex-premier seeks to defuse fallout at Gaelic College

Unread post by Gràisg »

Abair thusa gur e deasbad teth a tha seo. 'S ann a-mach air Colaiste Gàidhlig Alba Nuadh a tha iad. Artagail agus beachdan na chois a leithid seo:

"For most of Gaelic College's history, it has been an institution of cultural genocide. rather than fulfilling it's mission statement, the College curriculum actually promoted Anglo-centric modern Scottish arts, rather than Gaelic arts and culture. Those who stand up for Gaelic culture are marginalized by the cultural imperialists,as an "isolationist element",a slight shift from the old standby that we are fond of drinking and fighting , but offensive propaganda none the less..."

http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia ... ic-college

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Re: Ex-premier seeks to defuse fallout at Gaelic College

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Dè mu dheidhinn nam Miq-Maq? Am bu toigh leis a' Cholaiste "Mill a h-Uile Rud", 's dòcha? No ‘Gu Dòmhnallaich Ameireagaidh’ le Catrìona NicGumaraid?
Neas Olc
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Re: Ex-premier seeks to defuse fallout at Gaelic College

Unread post by Neas Olc »

Chan e iongantas mòr a th'ann an sin. Tha an t-aon dealachadh an ìre mhath faicsinneach 'sna coimhearsnachdan "Gaidhealaich" ann an Toronto. Tha feadhainn dhiubh ga stiùradh le daoine aig nach eil inntinn sam bith air a' Ghàidhlig no air cultur Gaidhealach, agus a bhios ag-iarraidh a h-uile duine a ghabhail a-staigh (nach eil comasach tro mheadhain na Gàidhlig). Tha iad air tighinn a bhith còmhlanan sòisealta a-mhàin.
"We are the Gaelic College and the very backbone is the Gaelic language," MacDonald said. "We have to focus more on the language."
'S math faicinn sin. Bithidh cus daoine a dìochuimhneachadh na beart simplidh seo nam beachd-sa.
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Re: Ex-premier seeks to defuse fallout at Gaelic College

Unread post by Gràisg »

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