Neart na Gàidhlig

Na tha a' tachairt ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus na pàipearan-naidheachd / What's happening in the Gaelic world and the newspapers
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Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Gràisg »

"Neart na Gaidhlig intends to bring together all the elements needed to establish full time, six days per week Gaelic Family Centres all over Scotland the purpose of which is to enable a good number of adults and in particular parents, to speaking conversational Gaelic in the shortest time frame possible, in Stirling, Edinburgh, West & East Lothian, South Fife, Aberdeen, Perth, North Lanarkshire, North & South Ayrshire etc."

Gheibhear tuilleadh an seo

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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Guma math a thèid leotha!
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Cha tachair seo gun taic sna choimhearsnachd ionadail. Agus nuair a bhios taic mar sin ann, chan eil feum air buidheann nàiseanta air a shon.
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Uill, b' urrainn do bhuidheann mar sin cuideachadh a thoirt dhaibh leis an eòlas a th' aca. Neo gus seòrsa de lìonra a stèidheachadh.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
Níall Beag
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Níall Beag »

It's still too light on details for me to support.

Who are the volunteers he's got involved? What will they be doing?
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Gràisg »

Uill laigsean ann no as, chan e seo a chiad turas a chaidh a leithid toiseachadh le Fionnlaigh. Ma tha esan agus feadhainn eile airson sin a dhèanmah gur math a thèid leotha. Carson a bu choir do monopoly a bhith aig duine sam bith?
Níall Beag
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Níall Beag »

Who said anything about monopolies?

My concern is that a full-time centre is a big project, and given the list of areas, I have a sneaking suspicion that they will be mostly manned by learners. As far as I'm concerned, that completely devalues the immersion proposition. A closed speech community will develop their own idiolect, and where almost everyone is learners, that ideolect will be riddled will learner errors and calqued English expressions. That's all well and good if your goal is to get people comfortable enough in a language to go on holiday, but if you're aiming at language revitalisation, then it simply doesn't cut the mustard.

I'm personally of the belief that even in an ideal environment, immersion alone is not enough, but I accept that other people have a different view. However, people who believe in immersion tend to refuse to accept that it's impossible to create immersion outside of a living community, and that I find particularly difficult to support.

While it's all well and good to say "each to their own" and wish people good luck, I am concerned that with Finlay involved, these places will foster a culture that discourages people from following courses that don't fit the immersion ideology. Finlay started pushing this idea a few years back, but he was talking about a full-time Gaelic-medium place in Inverness. This was not going to make rooms available for any classes that were not delivered entirely in Gaelic, because it was a Gaelic-medium place.

I'm concerned that these family units will be similarly ideologically closed and therefore divisive. I'm not going to get in his way, but I'm not going to let it pass without comment.
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Each »

Tha mi an dochas gun teid e a leaschaidh agus bith failte mhor orra.

Bith iad nas feumail na barrachd rannsachaidh academigeach.
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Gràisg »

Bith iad nas feumail na barrachd rannsachaidh academigeach.
no 500K air Feumaidh mi a ràdh san fharsaingeachd chan eil mi an aghaidh rannsachaidh fhad 's a tha na h-oilthighean ga phaigheadh ach tha Gàidhlig fhathast a' bàsachadh sna choimhearsnachdan agus bu chòir do tuilleadh airgid a dhol do h-iomairtean tighinn as na coimhersnachdan ud. Nam aisling, tha mise faicinn aonad teas mheadhann bhaile Inbhir Nis, mar sin dh'fhaodadh mi dol a steach air an treana air an oidhche son pinnt no cupan tì, còmhradh, leabhraichean a cheannaich, msaa. Dream, dream, dream....
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Tha mi a' tuigsinn. Air sgàth 's gun robh BnaG ceàrr nuair a chaith e leth milion air mobheurla.comh, 's ann ceart a tha an oidhirp seo nach eil o stàball BnaG. :mhoire:
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Re: Neart na Gàidhlig

Unread post by Gràisg »

Uill, bidh aca gus airgead a thogail agus saoilidh mi nach bi moran ri fhaighinn do Neart bhon bhòrd. Ma tha agad strì a dheanamh gus iomairtean a chur air doigh feumaidh daoine tighinn còmhla. Seall air a' Bhreatainn Bheag, cha mhòr nach eil tradaisean mu thimchioll na manifestadegoù, far am bidh trì mo ceithir caismeachd gach bliadhhna gus sgoil Diwan ri fhaighinn no a dìon. Bidh a leithid a chruthachadh coimhearsnachd.
Ma tha agad a h-uile càil a thogail dhut fhèin an àite a bhith nad shuidhe a feitheamh air cnap airgid bhon bhòrd saoilidh mi gum bi cùisean caran diofraicte aig a cheann thall. Bidh sinn an template ùr ann an Saoghal na Beurla cuideachd - "those were the days my friends...", 'S e coimhearsnachd mhòr a th'againn an diugh, ceart no ceàrr a tha e. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh dad a chur air dòigh feumaidh tu an t-airgead a lorg dhut fhèin no a mhor chuid dheth co-dhiù.
Am biodh Neart ceart no ceàrr ge-tà? Chan eil cail fhios'm ach ma tha iad airson Gàidhlig a chleachdadh gur math a thèid leotha ma thachras dad.
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