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Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:57 am
by poor_mouse
Agus seo:
Seo am Fear agam. Chan eil eagal orm roimhe.
Tha e glè làidir oir a tha e ag ithe mòran; ’s ann ag ithe a h-uile rud a tha e. Dè tha thu ag ithe? Thoir dhomh dheth!
Chan eil e bòidheach oir nach eil fionnadh aige. A chionn ’s nach eil smugaid gu leòr aige, feumaidh e a nighe-san le uisge. Miagaidh e gu h-àrd agus ro thric. ’S ann a’ dùradan a tha e uaireannan na chadal.
Fosgail an doras dhomh!
Chan eil fios agam carson a chaidh e na Mhaighstear; ’s dòcha a chionn ’s gun do dh’ith e rudeigin annasach.
Tha e a’ cumail nan seòmraichean agam glan...

Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:08 am
by poor_mouse
GunChleoc wrote:you could also say: mu a dheidhinn
Chunnaic mi "ma dheidhinn", "mum dheidhinn" cuideachd. Ach bha e anns an t-Soisgeul; chan eil fhios agam am biodh e math do bhruidhinn san ochdamh no naoidheamh linn.

Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:38 am
by GunChleoc
Yes, you can shorten to ma dheidhinn.

I'll have a look at the rest later :)

Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:40 am
by poor_mouse
Glè mhath!

Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:46 pm
by poor_mouse
Bu mhath leam sgeul bheag le Hans Cristian Andersen eadar-theangachadh.
'S e 'A GREAT GRIEF' a tha an t-ainm air.
Seo an toiseach dhith...

A dh’innse na fìrinn, tha dà phàirt san sgeul seo; dh’fhaodamaid a’ chiad tè fhàgail às, ach tha fios sam bith inntese agus chan eil e gun fheum.
This story really consists of two parts. The first part might be left out, but it gives us a few particulars, and these are useful.

Bha sinn a’ fuireach san fhearann dlighe aig na caraidean againne, agus thachair gun robh fear an taighe air falbh airson began làithean.
We were staying in the country at a gentleman’s seat, where it happened that the master was absent for a few days.

Ràinig bean uasal bhanntrach bhon a’ bhaile faisg air làimh san àm; bha a’ chù smutach aice còmhla rithe. Agus thuirt i gun tàinig i airson earrainn den lann-chairtidh aice a reic.
In the meantime, there arrived from the next town a lady [widow]; she had a pug dog with her, and came, she said, to dispose of shares in her tanyard.

Bha na pàipearan leathase, agus thug sinn comhairle oirre gum biodh e air an cur ann an cèis-litreach agus gun sgrìobhadh i: “Seanailear Cumhachdair-Cogaidh Ridire” agus msaa.
She had her papers with her, and we advised her to put them in an envelope, and to write thereon the address of the proprietor of the estate, “General War-Commissary Knight,” &c.

Bha i ag èisteachd ruinn leis an aire mhòr, thug i am peann, dh’fhuirich i aison greis bheag agus an uairsin dh’iarraidh i oirnn a ràdh an seòladh a-rithist gu mall.
She listened to us attentively, seized the pen, paused, and begged us to repeat the direction slowly.

Rinn sinn a-rèir a miann, agus bha i a’ sgrìobhadh; ach chaidh i air stad ann am meadhann de “Seanailear Cumhachd-”, agus thuirt i: “’S e bean a-mhàin a tha annamsa!”
We complied, and she wrote; but in the midst of the “General War-” she struck fast, sighed deeply, and said, “I am only a woman!”

Re: Pride and Prejudice

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:30 pm
by poor_mouse
Tha mi a' cumail orm...

Nuair a bha i a’ sgrìobhadh, bha am Puggie aice na shuidhe air an làr a’ dèanamh dranndan, oir a thàinig an cù sin còmhla rithe airson cur-seachad agus airson deagh shlàinte aigesan. A bharrachd air sin, cha bu chòir dhut làn lom a thairgsinn do neach-cèilidh.
Her Puggie had seated itself on the ground while she wrote, and growled; for the dog had come with her for amusement and for the sake of its health; and then the bare floor ought not to be offered to a visitor.

’S e sròn smutach agus muin glè reamhar a bha anns na feartan aige.
His outward appearance was characterized by a snub nose and a very fat back.

“Cha bhi e a’ teumadh,” thuirt a’ bhean; “chan eil fiaclan aige. Tha e mar fear den teaghlach, dìleas agus crosta; ach tha mo clann coireach ris an rud mu dheareadh, oir a bhios iad ag obair air; bidh iad a’ cluich air banais agus ag iarraidh airsan a bhith maighdean-phòsaidh, agus tha sin cus dhan bhodach bhochd sin.”
“He doesn’t bite,” said the lady; “he has no teeth. He is like one of the family, faithful and grumpy; but the latter is my grandchildren’s fault, for they have teased him; they play at wedding, and want to give him the part of the bridesmaid, and that’s too much for him, poor old fellow.”

Agus thug i na pàipearan dhuinn, agus chuir Puggie ann a làmhan-se.
And she delivered her papers, and took Puggie upon her arm.

’S ann a’ chiad phàirt den sgeul, tè a dh’fhaodamaid fàgail às.
And this is the first part of the story which might have been left out.