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Mo Thuras Gàidhlig: Am Bhidio!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:31 am
by Màiri na Coille
Rinn mi beagan bhidio mu dheidhinn mi fhìn agus a' Ghàidhlig. Chan eil i glè mhath--b' e mo chiad turas a bh'ann. Ach, seo i, co-dhiù. Innse dhomh mu dheidhinn mearchdan sam bith a tha sibh a' faighinn! (Fhuair mise tè--chì sibh i... :naire: ) Tha mi 'n dòchas obair nas fheàrr a dhèanamh an ath-thuras.

I made a short video about myself and the Gaelic. It's not very good--it was my first time. But here it is, anyway. Please tell me about any mistakes you find! (I found one myself--you'll see it...) I hope to do a better job next time.

Re: Mo Thuras Gàidhlig: Am Bhidio!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:39 pm
by Mairead
Rinn thu do bhidio! Yay! 'S toil leum mòran. Tha mi a' tuigsinn mòran. Cò a tha a' seinn riut?

You made your video! Yay! I like it a lot. I understood a lot. Who is singing with you? *Note, you probably said in the video, but I don't have enough Gaelic to have caught it!*

EDIT: Ah, dh'èist mi a-rithist--'se do phiuthar! :D Tha thu a' bruidhinn mall agus loinnreach. 'S toil le sin!

Ah, I listened again--it's your sister! :D You speak slowly and clearly. I like that!

Re: Mo Thuras Gàidhlig: Am Bhidio!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:33 pm
by Màiri na Coille
Tapadh leat, a Mhairead. :)