Buidheann air Facebook - Group on Facebook

Goireasan ionnsachaidh, ceanglaichean feumail is mar sin / Gaelic learning resources, useful links etc.
Posts: 1549
Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:04 pm
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Location: Inbhir Narann

Buidheann air Facebook - Group on Facebook

Unread post by Gràisg »

Faodaidh tu sùil a thoirt air a’ bhuidhinn ‘Gàidhlig na h-Alba’ air Facebook gun a bhith nad bhall den ghoireas a tha sin. ‘S e ballrachd de bharrachd air 800 a th’ ann a-nis. Saoilidh mi nach bi fiu ‘s hobbyists (luchd cur-seachad?) (truaghanan cur-seachad?) sa mhòr chuid aca ach ‘s e stòras luchd-taic air leth airson a’ chanain


Tha fiu ‘s buidheann ris an canar, Les francophones qui voudraient apprendre le gaelique ecossais’

You can browse the Gaelic group on Facebook without being a member of that resource. There is a membership of over 800 now. I don’t think that the majority of them are even ‘hobbyists’ (luchd cur-seachad) (trughanan cur-seachad?) but it’s an excellent wealth of support for the language,


There is even a group called ‘Les francophones qui voudraient apprendre le gaelique ecossais’

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