A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

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A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh? - What will bou be doing today?

Bidh mi a' dol dhan eaglais an-diugh, oir 's e Didòmhnaich na Càisge a th' ann.
I will be going to church today, because it's Sunday.

Tha mi an dùil gum bi an seinn brèagha.
I expect the singing will be beautiful.

Dè bhios sibhse a' dèanamh a-diugh?
What will you be doing today?

For the future Tense of bi, check Lesson 9 of http://www.taic.me.uk/

Talking about music + future tense if bi http://www.bbc.co.uk/alba/foghlam/beag_ ... s/unit_10/

Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by akerbeltz »

gum bi an seinn
an t-seinn 8-)

Cha dèid mise dhan eaglais idir ach ithidh mi ugh oir 's e fèill an torrachais a th' ann.
I won't go to church at all but I'll eat an egg as it's the festival of fertility.

Am bi uighean circe no uighean seòclaid agaibh?
Will you have chicken eggs or chocolate eggs?
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by Wilsons-of-Oxford »

Bidh mi ag obair an-diug.

I will be working today.

Bidh mi a' dol dhan Ceilidh oidhche Shathairne.

I will be going to a Ceilidh Saturday Night.
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by Wilsons-of-Oxford »

Daingead! Bidh mi a' faidhlich mo cìs a màireach.

Oh hell! I will be filing my tax tomorrow.

A bheil "Daingead" freumh na "Dang It", saoil?

Is "Daingead" the source of "Dang It", I wonder?
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Glè mhath!
Bidh Didòmhnaich na Càisge a dh'aithghearr againne, agus mar sin bidh mi a leughadh mu dheidhinn làithean deireannach ar Tighearna.
The Easter will be soon (we'll meet soon the Easer), and so I'll be reading about the last days of our Lord.

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi mi agus m' athair a' leughadh còmhla agus a' seinn nan laoidhean freagarrach a tha cho beantainn ri mo chridhe, ged a bhios mi glè sgìth an dèidh m' obair.
I hope that my father and I will be reading together and sing the appropriate hymns, which are so touching for me, though I'll be very tired after my work.

Mì-fhortanach, tha mo mhàthair san ospadal a-nis, agus chan eil e coltach gum bi i aig an taigh roimhe Didòmhnaich na Càisge, nuair a thèid sinn dhan eaglais.
Unfortunately, my mother is now in hospital, and probably she'll not be at home Sunday, when we'll go to church.
(I mean the night before Sunday,
ach chan eil fhios agam ciamar a bhios e sa Ghàidhlig)
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by Thrissel »

Wilsons-of-Oxford wrote:a' faidhlich mo cìs a màireach.
a' faileadh (verbal noun) a' chìs agam (alienable possesion) a-màireach (hyphen)
poor_mouse wrote:I mean the night before Sunday, ach chan eil fhios agam ciamar a bhios e sa Ghàidhlig
Oidhche Shathairne?
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by Seonaidh »

A Luchag Bhochd, an ann ri tighinn a tha a' Chàisg san Ruis? Dè na riaghailtean a thaobh na Càisge san Eaglais Ruiseach?
Och Minnie, is Easter sill to come in Russia? What's the rules about Easter in the Russian Kirk?

Cha deach mi don eaglais aig àm na Càisge, ach smaoinich mi air mo mhàthair, a rugadh Didòmhnaich na Càisge, 8 an Giblean, agus dh'fhòn mi mo phiuthar.
I didn't go to kirk at Eastertide, but I thought of my mother, who was born on Easter Sunday, 8 April, and I phoned my sister.

I'll no be doing much today - it's nearly over!
Cha bhi mi a' dèanamh mòran an-diugh - 's ann faisg air thairis a tha e!
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Thrissel wrote:Oidhche Shathairne?
Tha e coltach gur e, mòran taing!
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Seonaidh wrote:A Luchag Bhochd, an ann ri tighinn a tha a' Chàisg san Ruis? Dè na riaghailtean a thaobh na Càisge san Eaglais Ruiseach?
Och Minnie, is Easter sill to come in Russia? What's the rules about Easter in the Russian Kirk?
Seadh, a Sheonnaidh, 's e An Seann Mhìosachan (Iulianach) a tha againne, ach 's e ar Mìosachan Eaglaiseil a-mhàin ann oir a tha Am Mìosachan Griogarach san Ruis an dèidh 1918.
'S e rud cudromach dhuinn, ach ged a tha an eachdraidh seo glè inntinneach, tha i ro dhoirbh agus mar sin chan urrainn dhomh innse i sa Ghàidhlig no sa Bheurla... :)

Yeah, we have The Old Calender (Julian), but it's only our ecclesiastical calender, because there was Gregorian calender adopted in Russia after 1918.
It's rather an important thing for us, but this history is too difficult, and so I am not able to tell it neither in Gealic nor in English.

'S e rud mòr agus cudromach a tha smaointinn mu dheidhinn ar màthraichean, nach e? Bidh iad còmhla ruinn air feadh ar beatha agus bidh a h-uile latha brèagha nuair a bhios sinn an cuimhneachadh.
It's a great and important thing to think of our mothers, isn't it? They are with us throughout our life and every day is fine when we remember they.
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by Seonaidh »

Tapadh leat, Eilidh. Seo na lorg mi mun Chàisg:-
Ta Elena. This is what I found about Easter:-
The Interweb Thingie/An Làrach Lìn wrote:In 2012, for example, Easter will be celebrated on April 8 by Western churches and April 15 by Orthodox churches.
The formula for Easter—"The first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox"—is identical for both Western and Orthodox Easters
The Eastern Church sets the date of Easter according to the actual, astronomical full moon and the actual equinox as observed along the meridian of Jerusalem
The Western church does not use the actual, or astronomically correct date for the vernal equinox, but a fixed date (March 21). And by full moon it does not mean the astronomical full moon but the "ecclesiastical moon," which is based on tables created by the church.
It also matters where you calculate for. For example, if the full moon occurs at the end of Saturday in London then it will be on Sunday further East and so Easter will be a week later.
'S dòcha gur e sin e - Làn Gheallach Disathairne an Lunnainn ach Didòmhnaich an Ierusalem.
Mevvies that's it - Full Moon on Saturday in London but on Sunday in Jerusalem.
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Tha sin nas doirbhe na sin, a Sheonaidh...

Both Eastern and Western churches do not look at real equinox or full moon anywhere; it's only conventional points.
The Gregorian calender has every fourth year a leap year, but not if it's a 100th year, but yes if it's a 400th year.
The Julian calender has simply every fourth year a leap year.
So, equinox occured in different days according to different calenders. Both are not quite accurate, and it is not important anyway.
The First Ecumenical Council (AD 325) established the ecclesiastical calener according to Julian calender, though they knew that it was not absolutely accurate, and so this calender existed everywhere until 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII adopted the new calender.
The history of adopting it and resisting to it in different countries is very long and intricate.
Many Protestant countries didn't want to adopt the papal calender.
As for Eastern Orthodox Church, it hadn't adopt it as anti-canonical: it required to jump over 10 days (at that century), and also according to it the Easter might occur at the same day as Judaic Pascha and even before the latter, which was fobidden by The Council of 325.
But in 20th century some local Eastern Orthodox churches adopted new calender or, in most cases, so called "reformed" old calender, where the Easter (and the days dependent on it) is calculated according to the Old Church Calender, while Christmas and other "fixed" holy days according to the Gregorian Calener.
This last variant is worst of all, because the Eastern Orthodox church service through every year requires co-ordination between both parts.
Moreover, talking about necessity of celebreating holy days together with all the Christian world, those local churches have begun with separating in their celebrations from other E.O. churches. In Greece and some other countries those who were keeping the old calender, were prosecuted harshly by there "brothers"...
I've not really told all the story, but I'm afraid it's more than enough. :(

Gabhaibh mo leisgeul airson sgeulachd cho fada sa Bheurla, ach ma bhios mi a h-innse sa Ghàidhlig, bheir i mòran làithean agus tha e coltach nach urrainn do dhuine sam bith a tuigsinn!
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd

Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by sr3nitygirl »

Uill, bidh mi ag obair an-diugh is a-màireach, mar is àbhaist.
Well, I will be working today and tomorrow, as usual

Tha mi an dòchas gun ionnsaich mi Gàidhlig ris an deireadh-seachdain seo còmhla ri mo bhanacharaid Sìneag.
I hope to learn Gaelic during this weekend along with my friend Sìneag.

Bidh mi ag obair an ath-sheachdain, ach an uairsin, bidh mi air saor-làithean airson seachdain!
I will be working (the) next week, but then, I will be on vacation for a week!

O, tha naidheachd agamsa!
Oh, I have news!

Bidh mi seas airson taghadh do am Bòrd-stiùiridh na h-An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach (ACGA) am bliadhna.
I will stand for election to the Board of Directors of the ACGA this year.
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by faoileag »

Meal do naidheachd, a Steaphanaidh! :moladh:

'S e rud uabhasach cudromach a th' ann am buidhean mar sin anns a bhith a' cumail na Gàidhlig laidir ann an uiread de dhòighean!

Congratulations, S! Groups like that are an incredibly important element in keeping Gaelic strong in so many ways.
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Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

I'm sorry I haven't gone over the posts yet, I'm down with the flu. See you all sometime next week :roll:
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam

Re: A còig (#5) - Dè bhios sibh a' dèanamh an-diugh?

Unread post by sr3nitygirl »

Hope you feel better soon, GunChleoc :-)
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