Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Madainn mhath,

Tha i blàth a-rithist, le frasan aotrom uisge ann an-diugh.
Tha latha neo dhà ann gach bliadhna, blàth mar seo, dìreach mus fàs i fuar.

Good morning,

It is warm again, with light rain showers today.
Every year we have a day or two that is warm like this, right before it gets cold.

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Bha i blàth an-dè, ach dh'fhàs i nas fhuaire tron oidhche.
Tha an aimsir an-diugh mar a bu choir an seo as t-fhogar, tioram soilleir fionnar.
Chuala mi a-raoir, nuair a bha mi a' coimhead na naidheachdan, gum bi stoirm a' tighinn an ath-sheachdain agus 's dòcha gum bi sneachd ann!

It was warm yesterday, but it turned colder through the night.
The weather today is how it should be here in the autumn, dry clear and cool.
I heard last night, when I was watching the news, that a storm is coming next week, and we might have snow!
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Madainn mhath,

'S e latha brèagha a th' ann an-diugh! Chan eil e ro fhuar agus tha a' grian a' dèarrsadh. Tha mi glè thoilichte a bhith a-muigh aig an àm seo dhen bhliadhna.

Good morning,

Today is a beautiful day. It isn't too cold and the sun is shining. I am very happy to be outside at this time of the year.

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Latha math, iolair!

'S math gu bheil thu a-muigh agus toilichte.
Tha i car dorcha an-diugh an-seo, agus chan eil mi ro thoilichte co-dhiù a bhith a-staigh anns an oifis. :(

It's good that you are outside and happy.
It's rather dark today here, and anyway I'm not so happy to be indoors in the ofice.
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Latha math, luchag bhochd!

'S toil leam a bhith a-muigh da-rìreadh as t-fhogar! Ach chan eil e cho snog an-diugh.
Bha an t-uisge ann tron oidhche, agus dh'fhàs i nas fhuaire tràth sa mhadainn, agus an uair sin thoisich sneachd! Uill, beagan "flakes" co-dhiù.
Agus feumaidh mi a bhith a-staigh an-diugh air sailleabh m'obair, agus tha sin ceart gu leòr.

Ciamar a tha an aimsir far a bheil thusa?

Good day, Poor Mouse!

I do like being outdoors in the fall! but it is not so nice today. It rained during the night, and it turned colder early this morning, and then snow started. Well, a few flakes at least. And I have to be inside today for my work, so that is fine.

How is the weather where you are?

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Latha math!

Tha am foghar blàth agus fada am bliadhna, cha robh sneachd ann fhathast idir, ged a b' àbhaist dha a bhith ann am meadhan na Samhna an-seo.
Ach cha i dorcha and fliuch, tha na laithean a' fàs nas giorra agus nas giorra 's a thèid mi dhan oifis san dorchadas, agus tillidh mi dhachaigh san dorchadas.
Mar sin, 's àbhaist dhomh a bhith car truagh as t-fhoghar.

The autumn is warm and long this year, there were no snow yet here at all, though it was usually at the middle of November.
But it's dark and wet, the days are becoming shorter and shorter, and I go to the ofice in the darkness and return home in darkness.
So, I am usually rather sad in the autumn.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Feasgar math Luchag Bhochd!

Tha mi gad thuigsinn gu dearbh! Feumaidh mi a dhol dhachaigh san dorchadas cuideachd as deidh an obair. Nuair a bhios mi a' fagail an taigh sa mhadainn bi a' ghrìan suas fhathast, ach bi sin ag atharrachadh a dh' aithgearr!

Good afternoon Poor Mouse!

I understand you indeed! I have to go home after work in the darkness, too. When I leave the house in the morning, the sun is up still, but that will change soon!

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Madainn mhath!

Latha math eile an seo. Grianach, beagan gaoth, chan eil ro fhuar. Brèagha gu dearbh!
Tràth sa mhadainn mus do deach mi dhan oifis bha mi a-muigh airson greis a' sguabadh na duilleagan, a' coiseach leis a' chù, a' cur na bineachan sgudail (? trash barrels) air beulaibh an taighe. Tha e taitneach a bhith a muigh a' dèanamh rudan mar sin air latha alainn mar seo!

Good morning!
Another beautiful day here. Sunny, a bit of wind, not too cold. Beautiful indeed.
Early this morning before I went to work I was outside for a while sweeping leaves, walking with the dog, putting the trash barrels in front of the house. It is pleasant to be outside doing things like this on a beautiful day like this!

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Agus latha brèagha eile a th' againn! Bidh sin a' tachairt tric gu leòr o chionn ghoirid. Agus chan eil mi a' gearan!

We are having another beautiful day! That's happening a lot recently. And I'm not complaining!
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Tha gaoth mhòr ann an-diugh.
Chaidh mi fhìn 's m' athair dhan chlodh oir 's e co-latha-breith mo mhàthar a tha seo agus chaochail ise an-uiridh.
Cha do thog a' ghaoth sinne air falbh, get a bha i a' feuchainn seo a dhèanamh!

It' a great wind today.
My father and I went to the cemetry, because it's my mother birthday and she's died last year.
The wind didn't carry us off, though it tried to do so!
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Luchag Bhochd,

Tha mi duilich a chluintinn mu do mhathair.
Tha i frasach agus blàth an seo an-diugh.

Poor Mouse,

I'm sorry to hear about your mother.
It is showery and warm here today.

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Tapadh leat, Iolair!

Tha i fuar 's tioram an-diugh, agus tha a' ghaoth gu math làidir.

Thank you!

It's cold and dry today, and the wind is rather strong.
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Tha mi coma mun t-sìde on a tha mi aig an taigh is an cnatan orm.

I don't care about the weather, since I'm at home with a cold.

air sàilleabh m' obrach, às dèidh na h-obrach, beagan gaoithe - sàilleabh, dèidh, beagan are nouns, hence the genitive

mus deach - deach already has the do built in
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Mòran taing Gun Cleoc!
"beagan gaoithe" "mus deach" agus mar sin air adhart...
Chunnaic mi sneachd an-diugh! A chiad turas am bliadhna.

Thank you Gun Cleoc,
" bit of wind" "before I left" etc...
I saw snow today. The first time this year.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Feasgar math,

Tha i blàth an-diugh, le uisge trom tron latha agus gaoth laidir.
Tha mòran de dhaoine a' siubhal an-diugh air sailleabh latha fèill a-maireach an seo.
Eadar an aimsir agus an uiread de dhaoine, tha na rathaidean glè thràng.

Good afternoon,

It is warm today, with heavy rain and strong wind.
Many people are traveling today because of a holiday tomorrow here.
Between the weather and the amount of people, the roads are very busy.

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