
Na tha a' tachairt ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus na pàipearan-naidheachd / What's happening in the Gaelic world and the newspapers
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Unread post by neoni »

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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

tut tut neoni...... :roll: :roll:

chan e an fhirinn a th'ann am beachd aig aon duine cuimhnich....
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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

am faca tu an naidheachd a BhBC aig 10.00 a-nochd neoni?

gu math inntinneach - coltach nach robh na daoine bochd cho neo-cionntach ma bha thu an duil.....
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Unread post by neoni »

chan fhaca mi an naidheachd ud, ach 's aithne dhomh fhìn torr de na daoine tha ann agus tha fios agam carson a tha iad a' dèanamh na tha iad.
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Unread post by neoni » ... ies-london

mar a thuirt fear de na protesters "it's no coincidence that all the other banks have been left alone - the only one that got destroyed was the one they were trapped at for hours and hours and hours, not allowed to leave and with police beating anybody who tried to"

barrachd a' tighinn an-diugh :priob:
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Unread post by Gràisg »

Cha robh mise ann an deagh shunnd leis na bancaichean ach cha do bhris mi uinneagan. Thug mi mo bhaidsagail orm agus lorg mi obair. :)
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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

But was that bank chosen there only because thats where they were when the police decided to contain them? The way I see it and believe me I am on no-ones side here (I just dont like the people, who on the majority are there to help us and do a damn good job, being called pigs) i am also well aware that the majority of the protesters were there peacefully (a contradiction in terms however but lets face it they were there to protest) but still the guys in hoods and masks turned up and it all kicked off - maybe the police were to blame - maybe containment is what they have to do to keep a lid on it - as for the beatings - who knows? the protesters say one thing - the police the other.
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Unread post by neoni »

horogheallaidh wrote:as for the beatings - who knows? the protesters say one thing - the police the other.
and the journalists - who filmed much of what happened - are firmly on the side of the protesters.

yeah there were people there who wanted to cause trouble, the police knew that and provoked them on purpose to undermine the wider cause. they do this all the time.

the police who were at that protest were not there to help us.
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Unread post by Seonaidh »

Och, tha sin cho uabhasach! Is sinne sealbhadairean a' bhanca ud - agus sin na poilis a' d1iobair a dhìon nuair a bha iad a' dìon bancaichean eile nach ann gan sealbhachadh a tha sinn.
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Unread post by neoni »

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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

what does this prove though neoni? to some extent I can see that the police are apparently being heavy handed but why are the protesters standing their ground? i dont get this 'put your hands in the air' stuff when the police obviously are trying to push them back. If i was the copper (who is working under orders) and protesters were standing in front of me - not moving out of the way as we wanted, then i would take that as defiance/against the law/insubbordination - im not a control freak - but the police were obviously wanting them to move, either out of the way or away full stop and at the end of the day, they were not for moving - therefore they were "breaking" the law - experience shows that there were protesters there who were not there peacefully but were intent on causing damage, breaking the law etc and therefore the police have to treat the rest as a 'possible' threat too.
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Unread post by neoni »

from what i've heard from friends who were there, there were police on the other side as well and they literally couldn't move back. that's what penning/kettling is.

why should those people have been subordinate to the police anyway? the right to peaceful protest is intrinsic to democracy, and although the protests at the banks were slightly more dubious, what happened here was a brutal repression of that right. sitting on the ground with your hands up saying "this is not a riot" is about as passive as you can get, if the police interpret that as defiance warranting being hit in the face with a shield then there is something very wrong going on in their training.

again, the protest was split into two groups - distinct from the start - and at this one, the climate camp, the only violence came from the police. this has been documented by news outlet after news outlet, even those hostile to the protesters.
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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

fair enough neoni - two sides to every argument :)
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Unread post by Gràisg »

Beachd Aonghas sa P&J:

'Chaneil ’san duine ach duine airson sin
By Angus Macdonald

Published: 04/04/2009

NA SMAOINICH thu riamh co mheud duine chaidh a bhreth a-measg a luchd-obrach, a’ rinn ainm dhaibh fein? Co mheud aca, air taobh a-muigh saoghal na Gàidhlig gu h-iongantach, a tha craobh-sgaoileadh, no àrd a’s an t-seirbhis shiobhalta? Co mheud aca tha na sgrìobhaichean ainmeil, no na luchd-ciùil ainmeil? An dùil carson a tha sin? Agus na smaoinich thu riamh g’eil a h-uile duin’ againn nach buin dhan an aon bhuidheann soisealta riutha sin a’ faighinn ar dealbh dhan an t-saoghal troimh shùilean nan daoine sin? Nach eil sin àraid? Agus nach eil e cheart cho àraid nach eil sinn a’ deanamh càil mu dheidhinn? Fiughs ’n uair a bha sinn a’ faicinn daoine air an telebhisean a bha gearain an aghaidh G20, dh’aithnicheadh tu air an cainnt nach b’ann a Sgoil MhicNeacail a chaidh iad. Tha sinn bho mhealadh mòr. Tha daoine tha mas fhior a’ riochdachadh ar beachdan a’ fanaid oirnn – chaneil iad a’ riochdachadh beachdan ach am beachdan fhèin agus dha sparradh air càch.'

Tuilleadh an seo:

A bheil Aonghas coir ceart?
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Unread post by neoni »

chanainn gu bheil trioblaid ann leis na meadhanan, ach tha cothroman ann dhuinn leis an eadar-lìon beachdan duine eile fhaicinn, blogs is msaa. chan eil an leithid indymedia coileanta, ach abair thusa gu bheil e cudromach gu bheil e ann.
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