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Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:23 pm
by *Alasdair*
Halò a h-uile duine =]
'S fada bhon a bha mi an seo ach tha mi air a bhith gu math trang... A-nis tha mi 'son fios a thoirt seachad gu bheil mi a' sìreadh daoine a bhios ag iarraidh leasain a dhèanamh air Skype.

A rèir dè 'n ìre chànain a th' agaibh bhiodh na leasain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig/Beurla no dà-chànanach. Bhiodh sinn a' cleachadh na leabhraichean "Teach Yourself Gaelic" is "Colloquial Scottish Gaelic" agus a bharrachd air seo choimheadadh sinn air làraich-lìn a' BhBC agus CnaG/BnaG. 'S e clasaichean uair a thìde a bhiodh ann turas no dhà gach seachdain. Chan eil dearbh uair ann ge-ta - 's e sin an urra ribh fhèin =]

Cuideachd, air sgàth gur e oileanach bochd a th' annam bhiodh e glè mhath ma 'b urrainn dhuibh rud beag airgead a chosg air na leasain seo - Ruigeadh sinn co-dhùnadh ri chèile air a seo.

Ma bhios sibh ag iarraidh barrachd fiosrachadh, cuir post-d thugam:

I am going to be offering Gaelic lessons on Skype. They would be through the medium of Gaelic/English or bilingual depending on your level on language. We would use two books and various websites. The classes would be once or twice a week but there is no set time. Also, owing to the fact I am a poor student it would be good if I could get some money for doing this as it is a time consuming activity.

If you want more information just send me an email and I'll get back to you asap :)

PS: Course materials will be provided in PDF format.

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:56 pm
by GunChleoc
Gun soirbhich e leat! :D

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:03 pm
by Gràisg
Gur math a thèis leis a charaid, mhollainnsa gun cuir thu teachdaireachd an àirde air Facebook Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus làraichean eile air a' ghoireas ud.

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:50 pm
by Coinneach Cìr
Gu math thèid leat Alasdair! Tha mi 'n dòchas gun dèan thu mìle fortan :priob:

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:23 am
by *Alasdair*
Dìreach son seo a chumail beò air FnaG.

Tha mi fhathast a' dèanamh na leasain. Tha 5 agam an-dràst bho air feadh an t-saoghal agus tha iad toilichte leis a h-uile càil. Any new takers? :P

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:48 pm
by Níall Beag
2 PDF books: Teach Yourself Gaelic + Colloquial Scottish Gaelic.
So where did you license the etexts from?

I'm assuming that you're not advertising that you're pirating copyright material, because that would be a very very silly thing to do, particularly given the size of the Gaelic teaching community and the amount of bad feeling it would generate to rip off work from other people within said community....

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:32 pm
by *Alasdair*
Níall Beag wrote:
2 PDF books: Teach Yourself Gaelic + Colloquial Scottish Gaelic.
So where did you license the etexts from?

I'm assuming that you're not advertising that you're pirating copyright material, because that would be a very very silly thing to do, particularly given the size of the Gaelic teaching community and the amount of bad feeling it would generate to rip off work from other people within said community....
This information is a case of things not being updated on my site, air sgàth nach eil Webs ag obair dhomh ceart! Gach turas a nì mi ùrachadh, tha e a' tionndadh air ais dhan rud a bh' ann roimhe... EDIT: Tha mi air ùrachadh a dhèanamh a bhios a' dèanamh soilleir na tha tachairt. Cha robh e soilleir gu leòr aig an tòisich, duilich.

A thaobh na leabhraichean, tha leth-bhreac de Colloquial agam bho Routledge air PDF. 'S e leabhar ceart a th' anns an leabhar TYG a th' agam. Tha sinn a' cleachdadh Colloquial mar reference aig amannan agus bidh sinn dìreach a' cleachdadh TYG ma bhios an leabhar aig an duine eile. Gu mì-fhortanach, chan eil mi a' cleachdadh TYG gu tric air sgàth 's nach eil an leabhar ud aig a h-uile duine air sgàth 's am prìos a th' air agus càit am faod tu ga ceannach [agus chan eil e soar dha daoine thall thairis].

I do ask that students buy their own books, if possible. However, until the time comes that it is possible to buy a copy of Colloquial Gaelic in Iceland, or such other countries, I will let them use my one if needed.

Re: Leasain na Gàidhlig air Skype/Lessons on Skype

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:43 pm
by faoileag
I use abeBooks a lot myself and recommend it to my non-UK students too.

Look at this as an example: ... ish+Gaelic

Cheapest book is currently about 10 quid , postage to Iceland 3.95.

Might also be worth checking e-bay.

I would expect them to get their own books. Among other things, it tends to increase motivation and effort if you've invested in that.