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Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:04 pm
by vb99
I have been unable to get to the site for a day or two. It's a great site and very helpful for learners. I've also tried clicking the "taic" links from a couple of other Scottish Gaelic websites - which also don't work. Is there a reason for this (the message I get is asking for a UN and PW)? Do you know if the site be coming back for general use (without needing PW)? Thank you.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:06 pm
by ~Sìle~
I was able to access it yesterday, but not today. Today it asked for a username, and password. :(

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:06 pm
by amhlaobh
It's still accessible in the internet archive: ... k/taic.htm

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:06 am
by vb99
Mòran taing!

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:35 am
by akerbeltz
Who created it, do we know? Maybe we could suggest moving it or allowing us to take a copy and develop it

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:11 pm
by ithinkitsnice
akerbeltz wrote: Who created it, do we know? Maybe we could suggest moving it or allowing us to take a copy and develop it
Was thinking this too. My old class had been in contact with him before about using his materials, he was fine with that. His email's on the website, which you can see via the Wayback Machine (

If it came to it I might be able to help. Web design's not my stock-in-trade, but I could definitely make it better.

edit: saw this on FB


Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:33 pm
by vb99
Thank you for posting this. I don't use facebook, so I miss notices placed there. Could the forum host the information? I could help with proof-reading or commenting on content that seems confusing to me as a learner -- or other tasks as well if someone could define them.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:14 pm
by akerbeltz
Mòran taing - sgrìobh mi gu Danaidh!

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:50 pm
by ithinkitsnice
Sdb. Ma bhios càil gu bhith a' tachairt leis leig fios thugam ma bhios tu ag iarraidh cuideachadh leis.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:22 pm
by taic
Is inntinneach fhaicinn an uiread de dh'ùidh am measg luchd-ionnsachaidh a dh'adhbharaich call na làraich agam fiùs às dèidh aon là. Tha mi ag obair oirre an-dràsta agus an dùil gum bi i air a sgioblachadh an ceann seachdain no dhà. Ma tha cruaidh-fheum aig duine a bhith oirre fhad 's a tha mi ri h-atharrachadh, seo inntrigeadh sealach:
ainm-cleachdaidh: protected1
facal-faire: !deifir3JAM
Bidh mi a' sgioblachadh structar na làraich - a' gluasad fhaidhlichean is a leithid eadar pasganan. Leis sin, tha a h-uile coltas ann nach urrainnear cuid de na leasanan a ruigsinn aig amannan nuair a tha mi ag obair orra.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:37 pm
by taic
Dhan fheadhainn nach eil cho fileanta - To those not so fluent:
Taic website is changing - mostly structure and some limited content.
I will probably be a week or two trying out various changes. In the meantime if you are really desperate to access then use:
username: protected1
password: !deifir3JAM
There is no guarantee files will all accessible all the time as deletions, moving and uploading take place.
BTW I wasn't aware the whole site had been archived. Does this not infringe some intellectual rights? Especially as I don't see any acknowledgement to author.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:52 pm
by akerbeltz
BTW I wasn't aware the whole site had been archived. Does this not infringe some intellectual rights? Especially as I don't see any acknowledgement to author.
There are different legal interpretations of projects like the Wayback Machine but overall, they don't make any money off archiving stuff and I have found the WM very useful in the past as it's often the only way of accessing sites which no longer exist (like when the whole geocities project went down). The way I see it, it's like a library having copies of old newspapers people can access. My sites have been archived too and I don't mind 8-)

As regards authorship, assuming it says who the author is on the site, it'll be there in the WM. But they don't create metadata as such about the sites as far as I know, the web is just too darn big and their budget too small.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:12 pm
by taic
Tha mi a' dol leat 's gur e rud mìorbhailteach feumail a tha ann an tasglann. Bheir mi sùil eile air feuch nach e dearmad agam fhìn a tha ann nach do mhothaich mi aithneachadh do dh'ùghdar.
Chan e gu bheil e a' cur dragh orm gu bheil lethbhreac dhen làraich ann. 'S e an rud, a bharrachd air faidhlichean eadar-cheangailte dhen làraich fhèin, tha faidhlichean fa leth eile agam air an 'domain' a tha a' buntainn ri leasachadh is pròiseactan eile. Eil fhiosad a bheil iad air an glacadh nuair a chruthaichear lethbhreac de làraich?

Naidheachd eile do luchd-cleachdaidh 'Taic' . Gheibh sibh air an làraich a-rithist gun fheum air facal-faire fhad 's a tha mi ag obair oirre. Ach mar a thuirt mi roimhe, bidh amannan ann nuair a bhios i 'glaiste' is mi ag ùrachadh phàirtean dhith.
Just to say no password is required to access site while I'm working on it. However, as stated previously, there will be periods when it might be 'locked' while some parts are being updated.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:26 pm
by akerbeltz
Cha chreid mi gu bheil iad a' crawligeadh ach faidhlichean poblach ach chan eil mi cinnteach agus tha e a' crochadh gu mòr air càit a bheil iad agad. Ma chuireas mi rud suas air, fiù as aonais ceangal thuige, gheibh Google greim air nuair a nì e indexing (agus bidh lethbhreacan san tasglann aig Google de Taic cuideachd, eadar dà sgeul). Leis a sin, ma tha rud a-muigh air an lìon is chan ann an ionad tèarainte air cùlaibh balla air choireigin, gheibhear greim air.

Access to website for learners?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:38 pm
by GunChleoc
Bithinn toilichte an t-susbaint òstadh an-seo ma thogras tu.

'S urrainn dhut na pasganan nach eil thu airson co-roinneadh leis an tasglann a chur ri faidhle "robots.txt" agus cha bhean bot onarach riutha.