New program for intermediate learners from Rèidio Guth nan Gàidheal

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New program for intermediate learners from Rèidio Guth nan Gàidheal

Unread post by sr3nitygirl »

Rèidio Guth nan Gàidheal just published its first teaching program, Fa Chomhair an Leughadair / In Front of the Reader with Michael Mackay.

This is primarily aimed at learners who have a good basic knowledge of the language (intermediate) and there are some downloadable notes that accompany the show, although it is assumed that you have your own copy of the book being discussed.

You can find full details, as well as links to on-demand stream and the program notes on the GnG website at

And check out all of our other programming at

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Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:19 am

New program for intermediate learners from Rèidio Guth nan Gàidheal

Unread post by faoileag »

Mòran taing, a Steaphanaidh - 's e goireas gu math feumail a th' ann, agus nach math gu bheil e 'on demand' a-nis. :moladh:

Chan eil ùine / cothrom aig a h-uile duine (is iad ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail) a bhith air-loidhne aig uair shònraichte airson prògraim bheò, agus mar sin bi cothrom aca / againn èisteachd a-rithist.

'S toil leam na prògraman ciùil agaibh cuideachd - Ar Guthan agus Ceòl Ceilteach. :moladh:
Roghainn òran uabhasach math.
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