Ceistean: TYG

Ciamar a chanas mi.... / How do I say...
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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ron sin (ron a sin) - tha an dà chuid ceart. In formal writing, use the first.
Tha ron a sin cumanta ach tha coltas cearr air ron sin, chan fhaca mise gu ruige seo san t-suidheachadh sin ach roimhear san treas phearsa m.e. roimhe sin, uaithe seo, thuige sin.
Mura h-eil rionnag ann, is dòcha nach eil bhòt ann fhathast.
Sin e. 'S e pròiseact beag ach beò a th' ann agus aig an ìre seo, tha bhòtaichean airson faclan fa leth nas cumanta na bhòtaichean airson abairtean iomlan.

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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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Tapadh leibh, tha mi a' tuigsinn.

Mar sin, tha dà chuid "ron a sin" agus "roimhe sin" ceart.

Agus dè mu dheidhinn sin?
poor_mouse wrote:
Am Faclair Beag wrote:b' àill leam gun
I wish you would
A bheil "mi"("I") sam bith a tha ann? Tha e coltach gu bheil e a' ciallachadh "I wish that...", nach eil?
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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b' àill leam
leam < leam, leat, leis....?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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Obh-obh, 's e mearachd a tha ann -- bha mi a' ciallachadh "you", not "I": of course it's "I wish",but without any "you", isn't it?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by akerbeltz »

A, deagh phuing... cuiridh mi ceart sin, mòran taing!

Dèanta, tha e ag ràdh "b' àill leam gun dèan thu..." a-nis.
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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Glè mhath!
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Seo an darna pairt de m' obair...

6. Am faic sinn thusa a-nochd?
Chì sibh mise aig a’ chèilidh gu dearbh ma thig sibh ann.

7. Chan fhaic mi idir iad mar a b’ àbhaist. Nach eil iad air falbh?
Tha. Chaidh iad a dh’Astràilia, ach chì mi an clann (no: a’ chlann aca) a h-uile latha.

8. Ciamar a bhios sibh a’ cluich, a ghràidh? Dè tha sibh a’ dol a dhèanamh?
Bidh sinn a’ leigeil oirnn gur e ainmhidhean fiadhaich a tha annainn, a Mhammaidh.
Am bi sibh a’ sealbh ur creich aig an tàigh no sa ghàrradh? Agus dè nì sinne ma bheireas sibh ormsa?
Cha bheir, na gabh eagal! Nach fhaod tu fhèin breith oirnn nuair a bhios an dìnear deiseil?

9. Cuin a ruigidh am bàta-smùid seo Glaschu?
Aig meadhan-latha.
Agus càite an ruig e aig trì uairean feasgar?
Chan eil fhios agam, tha mi den bheachd nach tèid e a-mach bho Ghlaschu ma thèid am mara nas gairbhe na tha e a-nis.

10. Nach toir thu an leabhar sin thugam gus an dèan mi an obair-taighe agam?
Bheir gu dearbh.
Cuin a bheir thu?
A dh’aithghearr, nuair a gheibh mi fhìn e.
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by jjb362 »

Hello Eilidh - just a couple of comments. At the start where you use "an dàrna pàirt de m'obair" (dont for get the stracan as the a's in dàrna and pàirt are long), my own instinct there would be to say "Seo an dàrna pàirt de mo chuid obrach", the inplication being that this is portion of work, which is certainly how I have heard this expressed.

Next, "Chan fhaic mi idir iad mar a b'àbhaist" - you need to line up the tenses here - chan fhaic, future dependent of the verb faic, so in English, I will not see, but "mar a b'àbhaist", is a past tense, as this is constructed (if we ignore the mar), a = relative pronoun, bu - past or conditional tense of is, the copula and "àbhaist", which is a noun meaning habit or custom. So if you are saying that that you will not see them as usual, then you need to say "mar as àbhaist" - that's my take, unless you are trying to express something else. If you are saying "I did not see them as usual", then that would be "Chan fhaca mise idir iad mar a b'àbhaist".

Sealbh = possess - sealg = hunt? creich - from creach - plunder

Nach fhaod tu fhèin breith oirrn - if what you mean is "Will you fetch us", then best to express this as "An toir thu oirnn" - Nach fhaod would more mean to me "Won't you permit", and breith is the present particple of "beir", the future dependent of which is "toir", as I have indicated. Certainly, my take on it.

Cuin a ruigidh am... - Cuin a ruigeas am...? This "a" is a relative, so you need the relative future here.

"am mara" - the sea is "a' mhuir", is feminine with its genitive genitive, "na mara". Also "ma thèid a' mhuir nas gairbhe..." My own preference would be to use "fàs", "grow", so "ma dh'fhàsas a' mhuir nas gairbhe"

"obair taighe", if you are meaning school homework the general term is "obair-dhachaidh", from dachaidh = home, with lenition in dachaidh, as it is a closely bound qualifying noun in the genitive following a feminine noun. (I might be wrong about this and am willing to be corrected).

I hope this is useful...and any errors in this are mine! :-)
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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Mòran taing!

'S bochd sin, seo na mearachdan le stràcan a-rithist!

A bheil "Seo an dàrna pàirt de mo chuid obrach-dhachaidh" ceart?

Seadh, bha mi a' ciallachadh "I do not see them (usually now) as it was usually (before now)" (bha mi a' smaoineachad san Ruisis gu dearbh!).
'S dòcha gu bheil seo ro thoinnte (too complicated)...
Tha mi den bheachd gur e "Chan fhaic mise iad mar as àbhaist" an rud ceart an-seo.

'S dòcha gum bi "Nach beir thu oirnn?" ceart: saoil mi "Will not you catch us?" (i.e. "if you please, maybe you can").
Chleachd mise beir+air=catch, mura bha sin ceàrr...

'S e "Cuin a ruigeas" gu dearbh!

Chan eil fhios 'am carson sgrìobh mi "am mara" -- tha sin uabhasach!

'S toil leam "fàs"; mar sin, bidh mi a' cheartachadh m' obair-dhachaidh!
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by akerbeltz »

No, the sea is am muir but the genitive is na mara. It's one of those slightly odd nouns which used to be neuter and have ended up spread across both genders when the neuter gender went to the happy hunting grounds.
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Tapadh leibh! Tha am facal seo glè inntinneach.

Agus dè mu dheidhinn: "Nach beir thu oirnn nuair a bhios an dìnnear deiseil?"
Will you please catch us when the dinner will be ready?

Agus dè bhios nas fheàrr: "thoir gu" no "thoir do" (nach toir thu an leabhar seo dhomh/thugam)?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by akerbeltz »

Well... grammaticall or in terms of idiom? nach beir thu oirnn sounds a bit like you're inviting them to rugby tackle you when dinner is ready. I you mean "let us know" then I'd suggest something like Nach innis thu dhuinn nuair a bhios an dìnnear deiseil?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Oh, no. The children a going to play make-beleive: that they are wild animals.
And Mom asks his son, what if they catch her.
But he answers: No, we'll not, do not afraid; maby you'll catch us, when the dinner'll be ready?
(He want that she catch them, because they'll be hungry).

A' Mhàthair: Ciamar a bhios sibh a’ cluich, a ghràidh? Dè tha sibh a’ dol a dhèanamh?
A Mac: Bidh sinn a’ leigeil oirnn gur e ainmhidhean fiadhaich a tha annainn, a Mhammaidh.
A' Mhàthair: Am bi sibh a’ sealbh ur creich aig an tàigh no sa ghàrradh? Agus dè nì sinne ma bheireas sibh ormsa?
A Mac: Cha bheir, na gabh eagal! Nach beir thu oirnn nuair a bhios an dìnnear deiseil?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Am Faclair Beag wrote:am fad 's am fagas
far an near
"far and near", ceart?
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Re: Ceistean: TYG

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