Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhlig

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Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhlig

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A' lorg ceannard Gaidhlig. Gheibhear deasbaid air an duilleag ud - a h-uile criomag dheth sa Bheurla.

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Re: Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhl

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Thug mi sùil air agus nam bheachdsa tha an càineadh sin beagan mì-chothromach.

Ma tha mi ga thuigsinn gu ceart, seo duilleag airson pàrantan is caraidean na sgoile agus a' phobaill san fharsaingeachd - tha i fosgailte do dhuine sam bith, le no gun Ghàidhlig. Bu chòir don Chomhairle agus don luchd-dùbhlain a leughadh agus sgrìobadh iad-fhèin. Mar sin tha e nadarra gu bheil Beurla agus (beagan) Ghàidhlig ann.

Tha deasbad eile mun aon chùis air timeline Art Cormaig cuideachd, is sin ann am measgachadh Beurla is Gàidhlig cuideachd. 'S e artaigil (Beurla) agus freagairt Artair (Beurla) a thòisich an cuspair, agus mar sin tha e ùidheil do dhuine sam bith.
( ... 121012.pdf )

Chan ann sna buidhnean Gàidhlig a-mhàin air Facebook a bhios an leithid de dheasbadan a' tachairt, agus tha sin ceart gu leòr, fiù 's cudromach - bidh barrachd daoine a tha fìor fheumach orra a' leughadh na h-argamaidean.
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Re: Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhl

Unread post by Gràisg »

tha an càineadh sin beagan mì-chothromac
Ceart gu leor - ach sin am beachd a tha agamsa. Cait am faigh na sgoilearan coimhearsnachd gaidhlig ma tha a h-uile duine a' deasbad sa bheurla?
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Re: Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhl

Unread post by faoileag »

Ann am buidhean mar Ghàidlig a-mhain no Taigh Ceilidh, no Fòram na Gàidhlig, no (nas coltaiche) air làraich-lìn air nach eil sinne eólaich idir.

Chan eil a h-uile duine a' sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla. Google beagan.
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Re: Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhl

Unread post by Gràisg »

Aig ceann an duilleag ud:
Comann nam Parant ask do you support having a permanent fluent Gaelic speaking Head Teacher at BSGI (Inverness Gaelic Medium School) ?
Nach eil sin airidh air sentains sa Ghàidghlig cuideachd? Saoilidh mi gum bi facal no dha aig feadhainn air an duilleag facebook sin gu h-araidh CnP mas e cuideigin bhon bhuidheann sin a chur sin an àirde no a tha ballrachd aca air an duilleag.
Chan eil a h-uile duine a' sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla.
A sgrìobadh sa bheurla mu Gaidhlig ach 's e gnìomhacas a th'ann. Tha an duilleag ud a chur nam chuimhne Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd - facal no dha air a mhullach agus sin agad e.

Mas e duilleag a cuid as motha as luchd-taic na Gaidhlig nach biodh e rud math son parant no dha beagan a bharrachd Gaidhlig a chur ann gus uidh an luchd-taic a thogail?

Co-dhiù aig a car as lugha 'se duilleag annabarrach fhein math do tidsear sam bith gun Gàidhlig a chuireas a-steach don dreuchd a tha fosgailte.
Ghàidlig a-mhain no Taigh Ceilidh, no Fòram na Gàidhlig,
An e sèorsaichean de reservations a tha na h-aiteachan seo? Nach b'fheairrde do na parantan agus an luchd taic aca a bhith co-dana as beagan Gaidhlig a chur a-steach am measg saoghal na Beurla?
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Re: Seeking Gaelic Head Teacher - A' Sireadh Ceannard Gàidhl

Unread post by faoileag »

Chan eil sin a bha mi a' ciallachadh idir (agus tha amharas agam gu bheil fios agad air sin), ach 's ann gu bheil mi nam phragmatist sna cùisean sin.

Bhithinnse na bu toilichte cuideachd nam biodh barrachd Gàidhlig air an duilleag, m.e. sa cheann, mar a thuirt thu, agus nam biodh cuid de na naidheachdan is beachdan dà-chànanach co-dhiù, ach tha e ann an nàdar a' chuspair gu bheil torr den luchd-leughaidh (airson no an-aghaidh na Gàidhlig) gun Ghàidhlig no gun Gàidhlig mhath gu leòr gus na deasbadan nas toinnte is nas fhaide a chumail sa Ghàidhlig.

Co-dhiù: pios nas brosnachail às a' Phàipear Bheag air an duilleag an-diùgh - dùin do shùilean a-nis, a Ghraisg chòir, tha e sa Bheurla olc... :spors:
Gaelic pupils need Gaelic teachers, and quickly -
from the West Highland Free Press

Leader sa Phàipear Bheag, 19.10.12

There are several ironies attending the situation at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, the Inverness Gaelic primary school which cannot attract a Gaelic speaking head teacher.

One is that in all other respects, like every other dedicated Gaelic school in Scotland, Bun-sgoil Ghài
dhlig Inbhir Nis is a tremendous success. It has over 150 pupils from a variety of backgrounds. Its intake has so far exceeded expectations since it was opened just five years ago, under the headship of a Skye woman, that the building has been extended. The school’s failure to appoint a Gaelic-speaking head since Janet MacLeod’s retirement in 2010 has attracted predictably scornful comments from the anti-Gaelic lobby and from at least one Inverness councillor. Its success in attracting pupils — which is what really matters — throws their criticisms back in their faces.

As Andrew Stewart, the Highland secretary of the Educational Institute for Scotland points out, the head teacher problem is not unique to the Gaelic school. “It’s very, very difficult to fill head teacher posts in Highland primary schools that aren’t Gaelic schools,” he says. The job has been made unattractive in any language by hugely increased paperwork and bureaucratic responsibilities inflicted upon people who signed up simply to teach.

It is nonetheless embarrassing that, while the Scottish education secretary Michael Russell was telling Gaels at the National Mod to “use the language or lose it”, Highland Council was obliged to announce that it is likely to replace the current non-Gaelic speaking acting head of Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis with a permanent non-Gaelic-speaking head who will learn the language on the job. The frustration and annoyance of parents is understandable.

The tail needs to catch up with the head. Gaelic medium education, wherever it has been established, has been a triumph. But it was introduced so late in the day that, just as Gaelic-medium education began to expand, a substantial generation of native Gaelic-speaking teachers was on the verge of retirement.

The gap that was left is now most evident at Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis. That gap can and must be filled by Michael Russell’s education department. The fact that there are too many pupils and too few teachers is proof of the achievements rather than the failure of Gaelic-medium education. It is obviously a cause for concern. But if things were the other way round — if there were lots of Gaelic teachers but hardly any Gaelic pupils — that would be a reason for despair.
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