Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Tha an ceò glè thiugh ann an-diugh.
Ach cha robh mi g' fhaicinn mus do dh'fhàg mi an taigh: a' coimhead a-mach air an uineig chì mi a' bhalla mu choinneamh a-mhàin.
Tha an iodhlann ro bheag againn agus tha na bhallachan ro àrd!

It's a thick mist now.
But I didn't see it untill I left the house: see mi only an opposite wall looking from the window.
Our yard is too small and the walls are too high!

Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tha i blàth a-rithist an-diugh. Tha mi cho thoilichte gu bheil an feur a' fàs gorm!

It's warm again today. I'm so happy the grass is finally turning green!
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by EowynAnduin »

Tha i glè bhreagha an-diugh.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by JLBeale »

Is ann mu dheireadh mar a tha as t-earrach a-muigh 's a tha na h-eòin a' ceileireadh labhar le nach i ach a' toiseachadh.

It's finally spring-like outside and the birds are singing loud being that the nice weather is just starting.
Raghnaid NicGaraidh
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Raghnaid NicGaraidh »

Tha mi anns Toronto Airport an-diugh agus tha i sneachd a-muigh. Tha mi àigheach airson chan eil i a-chaoidh sneachd anns Astràilia-a-Deas!!!!!
I'm in Toronto Airport and it's snowing outside. I'm excited because it never snows in South Australia!!!!!
-Raghnaid NicGaraidh.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by faoileag »

Nach tu tha am boil! :P
Ach 's urrainn dhomh sin a thuigsinn.
Bha caraidean Frangach air cèilidh oirnn bliadhna no dhà air ais, a tha a' fuireach air tuathanas am meadhan na dùthcha. Bha nighean bheag aca agus chunnaic i a' mhuir a' chiad turas nuair a thàinig iad a dh'Alba na làithean-saora sin. Bha an nighean air an tràigh fad an latha, a h-uile latha! :lol:

Aren't you the excited one!
But I can understand that.
We had French friends visiting a couple of years ago, who live on a farm in the middle of the countryside. They had a little girl and the first time she saw the sea was when they came to Scotland that holiday. She was on the shore all day every day!
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tha i grìanach an-diugh...ach tha i nas fhuaire a-rithist cuideachd!! :?

It's sunny today...but it's also colder again!
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Dh'innis tè às a' Phortagail dhomh gun robh e a' cur sneachd an latha a bha seo, is chaidh a' chlann-sgoile gu lèir a' tadhal air an àite far an robh e, a' roiligeadh ann am badan gann dhe shneachda! :lol:

A woman from Portugal once told me that it was snowing one day, so all the school children went to the place where it was, rolling in the scarce spots of snow

Spelling: uinneig

am feur

It's finally spring-like outside and the birds are singing loud being that the nice weather is just starting: That is a tough one! Here's my attempt:
Tha coltas an earraich a-muigh mu dheireadh thall 's a tha na h-eòin a' ceileireadh a-nis on a tha an t-sìde bhrèagha a' toiseachadh.
"mu dheireadh thall" is a fixed expression for "at last" and always comes at the end.

Tha mi ann am port-adhair Thoronto an-diugh agus tha i a' cur sneachd a-muigh. Tha mi àigheach oir ...
it never snows in South Australia! - I have a bit of difficulty myself with the time words here if I want to do a literal tr*nsl*t**n. Maybe this will do: 's gann / 's glè ainneamh gun cuir i sneachd ceann deas na h-Astràilia!
You have to say "ceann deas na h-Astràilia" rather than "Astràilia a Deas", because there is no province or country called "South Australia". For example, "Afraga a Deas" is the country "South Africa", but if you talk about south Africa in general (meaning southern Africa), then you say "Ceann a Deas na h-Afraga".
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Creag »

Bha i fliuch an-diugh agus meadhanach fuar cuideachd.
It was wet today and fairly cold as well.

Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by sr3nitygirl »

Abair latha direach àlainn ann am Baltimore! :D
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Creag »

Neulach agus fuar. Tha geamhradh gu bhith an-seo.
Cloudy and cold. Winter is nearly here.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by jeltzz »

It never snows in South Australia! - I have a bit of difficulty myself with the time words here if I want to do a literal tr*nsl*t**n. Maybe this will do: 's gann / 's glè ainneamh gun cuir i sneachd ceann deas na h-Astràilia!
You have to say "ceann deas na h-Astràilia" rather than "Astràilia a Deas", because there is no province or country called "South Australia". For example, "Afraga a Deas" is the country "South Africa", but if you talk about south Africa in general (meaning southern Africa), then you say "Ceann a Deas na h-Afraga".
Ach, 'se stàit a th' ann an "Astràlia a Deas" gu dearbh! Chan eil e eisimpleir "ceann deas na h-Astràilia", no mar sin. Canainn mi "southern Australia" 'sa Bheurla air "ceann deas na h-Astràilia"
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by faoileag »

Tha thu ceart, jeltzz. :lol:
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Marshal »

'S e là math a th' ann, ach leis an fhìrinn innse tha i uabhasach bhlàth is ghrianach. Cha urrainn dhuinn a bhith a-muigh :flamed: , uill, dìreach ann an amar-snàimh oir cha toigh leam an cladach na geinmheach a th' againn is tha an tràigh na mol eile ro fhada...

It is a good day, but to say the truth it's extremely hot and sunny. We can not be out, well, just at the swimming pool because I don't really like the sandy beach we have and the other shingly beach is too far...
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Màiri75 »

Bha i blàth is grianach far a bheil thu a' fuireach?
It was warm and sunny where you are living?

Nach buidhe dhut!
Aren't you lucky!!!

Tha an t-uisge gu trom ann an seo fad an latha.
It has been heavily raining the whole day long.

Ach bha sin ceart gu lèor oir b'fheudar dhomh an taigh a sgioblachadh mus tòisich an dèireadh-seachdain.
But that was quite okay, because I had to tidy up the house before the weekend starts.

Nise, tha mi deiseil agus tha ùine agam rud bead Gàidhlig a dhèanamh.
Now, I am finish and I have time to do some Gaelic.

Nach eil sin math?
Isn't that good?
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