Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Sgrìobh a h-uile rud gu dà-chànanach / Write everything bilingually
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Teddie »

GunChleoc wrote:
Dh'fhalbh mi an àrd-sgoil gu luath - Nach tusa a tha glic! :mc:
Rinn an àrd-sgoil agam 'standard grades' ann an 'S3'. Tha mo foghlam ceart h-uile eile duine.

My high school did standard grades in S3, so i have had the same amount of education as everyone else. (2 years standard grades, 2 years Higher etc.)
Mairead wrote:
GunChleoc wrote:cha toil leam - leum means "jump"
"Leum" is how it's taught in the St Andrews Gaelic class (rather than leam). It must be an older spelling/Harris dialect.

Faoileag, that makes more sense! I thought "corp" looked suspiciously bodily. ;)

Halò, Teddie. :) Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn coimpiutaireachd, ach tha urram agam*. Tha daonn-eòlas Bhreatainn diofaraichte na daonn-eòlas na h-Aimeireaga. 'S fhearr leam an dòigh na h-Aimeireaga. ;) 'Se "ethnohistory" ann sònrachas aig mo mhathair, air leth na Inca. Gabhaidh mi an clas na Ghàidhlig am bliadhna. ('S dòcha!) Cò às a tha thu? Tha mi à Wisconsin.
Ionnsaich e cho 'leum' ann an Cill Rimhan, cha mhothaich(?) mi 'leam' h-uile àite eile. :P

Haha, Cha thuigsinn mi daonn-eòlas, tha sinn ionann!

Tha sin math! Chi mise thu an sin! Dh'fhaodadh thu nochd an Gàidhlig nas fheàrr agad!

Tha mi à Malaig! 'S e baile beag air an costa an iar. An thuras thu an sin? 'S e brèagha àite. Bhiodh toigh leum a' dol gu Ameireaga còmhla ri mi piuthar... Tha sinn airson turas-rathad! :P

It is taught as leum in St Andrews. I have never noticed it spelt differently everywhere else :P (Incidentally, Our teacher said that she never uses accents in class because she feels it makes the language more difficult for learners to learn.

Haha, I don't understand Social Anthropology, so were even! :P

I'm from Mallaig. It's a little village on the (Scottish) west coast. Have you ever been there? It's a beautiful place. I would like to go to America with my Sister one day, We want to do a road trip round the states! :P

Please check my Gaelic for mistakes :)
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Mairead wrote:
A Mhàiri, tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith a' faicinn do bhidio cuideachd. :)
Bha mi glè thrang seachdain sa chaidh. Cha robh mi ag obair oirre idir!

I was very busy last week. I didn't work on it at all!
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

A Mhàiri, tha mi ag obair air bhidio eile, ach chan eil mi ag obair seachdain sa chaidh cuideachd. ;) Tha mi air iarraidh a bhith ag obair o chionn fhada, ach bha i ro garbh, agus chan eil mo theaghlach ag iarraidh a bhith ann mo bhidio am bitheantas. Tha i brèagha a nis, ach tha camara aig mo phiuthar oir tha i a' dol a Nirribhidh.

A Theddie, chan eil mi air dol do Mhalaig, ach tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith a' dol! Chan eil mi air dol do an costa an iar idir. Chan eil car againn. Chaidh mi a dh'Inbhir Nis an Dàmhair ri mo phiuthar! 'Se àite a-mhàin ann Inbhir Nis anns an Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean gun tha mi air dol.[??] Tha Gàidhlig anns an "McDonald's" sin. :D (Uill, air an balla co-dhiù.)

Mary, I'm working on another video, but I didn't work on it last week either. ;) I have wanted to work on it for a long time, but it was too wild out, and my family doesn't usually want to be in my video. It is nice out now, but my sister has the camera because she is going to Norway.

Teddie, I have never been to Malaig, but I want to go! I haven't been to the west coast at all. We don't have a car. I did go to Inverness with my sister in October! Inverness is the only place in the Highlands and Islands I've gone to. There is Gaelic in the McDonald's there. :D (Well, on the wall anyway.)

NOTE: I just learned the present perfect, so this is my first time trying it out.
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

Tha mi a' gabhail mo dhinnear

I'm having my dinner. (is this correct?)
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tha dòchas agam gum bi mi ag obair air mo bhidio an Disathairne seo, co-dhiù. Chì sinn. Bidh mi a' faicinn airson do bhidio cuideachd, a Mhairead!

I hope to work on my video this Saturday, anyway. We'll see. I'll be looking for yours too, Mairead!
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

What's Gàidhlig for Chinese take-away?
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Airson mo bhidio tha mi a' dèanamh òran co-ionnan ri "'S toigh leam fhìn buntata 's ìm". Tha na faclan ùra mu dheidhinn Gàidhlig (an àite biadh). :) Bha mi ag iarradh a dhèanamh cinnteach gun robh iad ceart (gàmar, gnàthas-cainnt, rud sam bith eile...). Seo e!

'S toigh leam fhìn a' Ghàidhlig,
'S toigh leam fhìn an cànan seo,
Oir tha i tlachmhor is brèagha is bòidheach.

Bheil sin ceart gu leòr?

For my video I am making a spoof on the song "'S toigh leam fhìn buntata 's ìm". The new words are about Gaelic (instead of food). :) I wanted to make sure they were correct (grammar, idiom, and anything else). Here it is!

I'm fond of Gaelic,
I'm fond of this language,
Because it is pleasant and fine and beautiful.

Is that all right?
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Teddie »

Mairead wrote: A Theddie, chan eil mi air dol do Mhalaig, ach tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith a' dol! Chan eil mi air dol do an costa an iar idir. Chan eil car againn. Chaidh mi a dh'Inbhir Nis an Dàmhair ri mo phiuthar! 'Se àite a-mhàin ann Inbhir Nis anns an Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean gun tha mi air dol.[??] Tha Gàidhlig anns an "McDonald's" sin. :D (Uill, air an balla co-dhiù.)

Teddie, I have never been to Malaig, but I want to go! I haven't been to the west coast at all. We don't have a car. I did go to Inverness with my sister in October! Inverness is the only place in the Highlands and Islands I've gone to. There is Gaelic in the McDonald's there. :D (Well, on the wall anyway.)
Bha iomairt aig an 'McDonalds' ann an Gearasdan ri cuir 'MacDonalds' oirre. Oir tha 'MacDonalds' nas motha Alba! Thoirt iad chan eil :( Tha Gàidhlig aige cuideachd, Smaonich mi gum bheil sin anns a' Gaidhealtachd a-mhàin.

There was a campaign for the McDonalds in Fort William (my local McDonalds) to change its name to MacDonalds instead, because that was more Scottish! They said no :( That one has gaelic aswell, I think its a highland thing.
Please check my Gaelic for mistakes :)
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

Tha mi aig an taigh. Tha mi uabhasach sgìth an-diugh.

I am at home. I am awfully tired today.
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

coempa wrote:Tha mi aig an taigh. Tha mi uabhasach sgìth an-diugh.

I am at home. I am awfully tired today.
Tha mi duilich! Carson? Tha mise beagan sgìth cuideachd an-diugh. Chaidh mi dhan cadal ro fhadalach a-raoir.

I'm sorry! Why? I am a little tired too today. I went to bed too late last night.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

Cha robh dìth ann. Tha mi sgìth oir leugh mi is sgrìobh mi lad an là an-diugh. Tha deuchainnean ann aig an sgoil.

There is no need (to be sorry). I am tired because I have been reading and writing (I use this to indicate studying) all day today. There are exams at school
Are these correct sentences?
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Zwalla28 »

"Na gabh dragh" would be better for "don't worry".

"leugh mi agus sgrìobh mi" <-- I'm not 100% certain on this one, so you may want to wait until someone more knowledgeable than me comments before you take it as gospel, but I'm fairly sure "is" is mostly used in lists and whatnot, not as a conjunction.

"fad an là" <-- typo I assume?

As far as I know, "Tha deuchainnean ann aig an sgoil" is fine.
Bhiodh gaol agam oirbh gu bràth, ma cheartaicheadh sibh na mearachdan sa' phost os cionn!
Sgeul aigeantach mòr ri linn,
Gu'm bi neart, agus ceart, mar ri treòir,
Do'n fhear sheasas còir an rìgh.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

Well, it's more correct than I had anticipated. I haven't fully gotten around to the verbs yet at www.taic.me.uk, so I'm pleased that these were used correctly.

Also, yes, it should have been fad rather than lad. It wasn't a typo though, I just mis-memorized a word.
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by faoileag »

I would go for the '-ing' form of reading and writing, as these were longer, ongoing activities, not one-off actions.

Bha mi a' leughadh agus a' sgrìobhadh...

A literal tr*nsl*t**n of 'I have been reading' would be ' tha mi air a bhith a' leughadh agus a' sgrìobhadh', but that is a bit of a mouthful and you would be fine with the simpler form, especially in conversation.

You could also use is or even 's for agus, as 'reading and writing' are a pretty standard pair, like 'mother and father' or 'day and night'.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by coempa »

Or I could just use studying, but I didn't know if the word was irregular or not.
The corrected version would then be:
Na gabh dragh! Tha mi sgìth oir bha mi a' leughadh is a' sgrìobhadh fad an là an-diugh. Tha deuchainnean ann aig an sgoil.
What Tarquin the Proud said in his garden with the poppy blooms was understood by the son but not by the messenger.
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