Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Sgrìobh a h-uile rud gu dà-chànanach / Write everything bilingually
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Teddie »

Am bheil thu a'dol gu na class meadhanach, a Mhairead? Chi mi thusa an sin(?), ged Tha an gàidhlig agam nas miosa :(

Are you going to the intermediate class, Mairead? I might see you there, though my gaelic has gotten worse.

I wasn't sure which way the emphatic forms should be in the second sentence there, also i'm not quite sure whether I got the subjunctive form correct there.

Please check my Gaelic for mistakes :)
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by faoileag »

Beagan ceartachaidh:

A bheil (more common)/ Am beil thu a' dol dhan chlas mheadhanach... chì mi an sin thu (no need for emphatic form 'thusa'), ged a tha mo chuid Gàidhlig nas miosa a-nis / ged a dh'fhàs mo chuid Gàidhlig na bu mhiosa.

to the class = do/dha + an > dhan + lenition of noun + adjective > dhan chlas

'mo chuid Gàidhlig' = my portion/bit of Gaelic / my own Gaelic (as opposed to the whole language in general).
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Thèid, a Theddie; thèid mi dhan chlas mheadhanach. Chì mi thu a-màireach aig còig uairean feasgar! :) (mur eil dà chlàs mheadhanach ann).

Yes, Teddie; I will go to the intermediate class. I'll see you tomorrow at 5pm! (unless there are two intermediate classes)
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Hai, a h-uile duine. Tha mi duilich nach robh mi ann gu tric--tha mi air a bhith cho trang, ag obair agus a' lorg airson airgead airson colaiste. Nuair tha mi deiseil le obair gach là, tha mo cheann ro sgìth Gàidhlig a dhèanamh! :( Chan eil mòran ùine agam idir, ach chan eil mi ag iarraidh mo chuid Gàidhlig a chall (ged a tha i beag gu leòr). Comhairle sam bith?

Tha mi toilichte fhathast nuair èist mi ri ceòl Gàidhlig, co-dhiù. :D

Hi, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on often--I have been so busy, working and looking for college scholarships. When I am finished working every day, my head is too tired to do Gaelic! I don't have much time at all, but I don't want to lose my Gaelic (though it's little enough). Any advice?

I am still happy when I listen to Gaelic music, anyway.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Halò a Mhàiri! Nuair tha mi ro thrang, tha mi ag ràdh àireamhan no làithean na seachdaine. 'S e ach beagan a th' ann, ach 's e rud a th' ann. Agus tha ceòl math gu leòr cuideachd nuair tha thu sgìth.

Hi Mary! When I am too tired, I say numbers or the days of the week. It is but a little, but it is something. And music is good enough too when you are tired.
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tapadh leat, a Mhairead! Tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil do chlasaichean a' dol gu math.

Thanks Mairead! I hope your classes are going well.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Tapadh leat, a Mhàiri! Tha iad a' dol gu math gu leòr. Tha mòran obair agam an-dràsda. Ciamar a tha a' dol na clasaichean agadsa?

Thanks, Mary! They're going well enough. I have a lot of work just now. How are your classes going?
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Chan eil mi a' gabhail clasaichean idir. Chuir mi crìoch air àrd-sgoil an-uiridh; anns an àite sin, tha mi a' dèanamh bliadhna "gap". Mar a thuirt mi, tha mi ag obair, agus tha mi a' lorg airson airgead airson colaiste. Bu toigh leam turas no dhà a ghabhail cuideachd. Aig an deireadh na mìosa sin, tha mi a' dol air ais gu an colaiste ann an Wyoming a-rithist airson trì laithean. Bidh mi a' strì ann an farpais sgoilearachd. Sgrìobhaidh mi aiste, bheir mi òraid, agus bidh agallamh agam. Tha mi air bhoil gu mòr! :D Cuideachd, bidh mi a' siubhal air a' phlèan nam aonar. Cha rinn mi sin riamh!

I'm not taking classes at all. I finished high school last year; instead, I am doing a gap year. Like I said, I am working, and I'm searching for money for college. I would like to take a few trips as well. At the end of this month, I am going back again to the college in Wyoming for three days. I will be competing in a scholarship contest. I'll be writing an essay, giving a speech, and having an interview. I am very excited! Also, I'll be travelling on the plane by myself. I've never done that before!
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Obh, glè mhath. Bha bliadhna "gap" orm an-uiridh. Gun dèid leat! :) Càite am bheil thu ag iarraidh cuir tagradh airson oilthigh?

Oh, very nice! I was on a gap year last year. Good luck! :) Where do you want to apply for university?
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by MacBrádaigh »

Tha mi ag èisdeachd ri Ludovico Einaudi agus tha mi ag òl tì.
I am listening to Ludovico Einaudi and I am drinking tea.

(Have not been active since my introduction, apologies; university/work taking its toll.)

Le deagh dhùrachd,
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

'S math sin, a SAB! Tha mise ag èisteachd ri jazz. Bu choir dhomh tì a òl an-drasda. Bha mi glè thrang oir bha mòran obair oilthighe agam cuideachd, ach tha stad beagan a-nis. Dè tha thu a' leughadh aig an t-oilthigh?

That's great, SAB! I am listening to jazz. I should drink tea right now. I had a lot of university work too, but I have a small break now. What are you studying at university?
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Uabhasach sàmhach an-seo. Càite a bheil a h-uile duine? :|

Chan eil mi a' dèanamh mòran an-diugh, ach rinn mi beagan sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig nas traithe anns an t-seachdain. Seo e. Dèan ceartachaidhean, mas e ur toil e! :)

Dè rinn mi an-diugh? Nuair a bha i dorch fhathast, bha mi a' dèanamh cadal anns an leabaidh bhlàth agam. Bha an t-seòmar agam fuar agus cha robh mi ag iarraidh a dh'èirigh. Ach dh'èirich mi co-dhiù. Bha e cairteal gu sia uairean sa mhadainn.

Bha mi uabhasach sgìth fhathast. Chuir orm m'aodach agus chaidh mi a-mach às an t-seòmar agam. Chòisich mi sìos an trannsa don chidsin. Cha robh an t-acras mòr orm, mar sin bha bracaist bheag agam: dà shliseag de tost rèiseid agus orainsear beag.

An dèidh sin, aig seachd uairean, chaidh mi a-mach air beulaibh na taighe. Bha i uabhasach fuar, mar sin bha còta, ad, agus miotagan agam. Ruith mi air a' chabhsair. Bha a' ghrian ag èirigh, agus dh'fhàs na sgòthan gorm òr is geal. Bha i sàmhach. Thuit beagan sneachda agus rinn e lainnir. Bha e bòidheach.

Nuair a thill mi dhachaigh, bha mi glè fhuar is sgìth. Chaidh mi a-steach dhan taigh blàth. Chuir mi an còta agam bhuam. Bha mi fìor thoilichte a bhith blàth a-rithist!


Awfully quiet around here. Where is everyone?

I am not doing much today, but I did a bit of Gaelic writing earlier in the week. Here it is. Make corrections, please!

What did I do today? When it was still dark, I was sleeping in my warm bed. My room was cold and I didn't want to get up. But I got up anyway. It was a quarter to six o' clock in the morning.

I was still extremely tired. I put on my clothes and I went out of my room. I walked down the hallway into the kitchen. I wasn't very hungry, so I had a small breakfast: two slices of raisin toast and a small orange.

After that, at seven o' clock, I went out in front of the house. It was awfully cold, so I had a coat, hat, and gloves. I ran on the sidewalk. The sun was rising, and the blue clouds became gold and white. It was quiet. A little snow fell and glittered. It was beautiful.

When I returned home, I was very cold and tired. I went inside the warm house. I took off my coat. I was truly glad to be warm again!
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Halo, a Mhàiri. :) Tha mi an-seo, ach tha mi tinn. I'm here, but I'm ill.

I think I can make two corrections on your passage:

bha mi a' dèanamh cadal --> bha mi 'nam chadal (a' dèanamh cadal might also be right, but the latter is how I was taught)
Chaidh mi a-steach dhan taigh blàth --> I think taigh should be lenited, and I'm not sure if blàth would follow.

Tha deuchainn agam an-diugh. 'S bochd sin, oir tha mi tinn an-diugh, ach tha sin mar sin. Bha a' mhadainn agad glè bhoidheachd. Ciamar a tha thu?
I have an exam today. It's a shame because I am sick today, but it is what it is. Your morning was very beautiful. How are you doing?
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Hai, a Mhairead! Tha mi math gu leòr, ged a tha mi beagan tinn cuideachd. Tha beagan cnatan orm. Chan eil e dona, co-dhiù. An-diugh tha mi aig an Oilthigh Chicago, far a dh'obair mo mhàthair. Tha mi anns an leabharlann an-dràsta. Fhuair mi leabhar no dhà mu dheidhinn eachdraidh Albannach, agus leabhar de bàrdachd Gàidhlig le Somhairle MacGill-Eain. An cuala tu riamh e? Tha e uabhasach doirbh air mo shon a leughadh, ach gu fortanach, tha eadar-theangachaidhean ann cuideachd. Co-dhiù, tha a bhàrdachd brèagha fhathast.

Ciamar a tha thu fhèin? Ciamar a tha do chlasaichean?

Hi, Mairead! I am well enough, though I'm a little sick as well. I have a bit of a cold. It's not bad, though. Today I'm at the University of Chicago, where my mom works. I'm in the library right now. I got a book or two of Scottish history, and a book of Gaelic poetry by Sorely MacLean. Ever heard of him? It's extremely difficult for me to read, but fortunately there are translations too. Anyway, his poetry is still gorgeous.

How are you? How are your classes?
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

dhan taigh - without lenition: article + dental consonant; look here
Eilidh -- Luchag Bhochd
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