Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by faoileag »

Tha mi 'n dòchas gur e aimsir mhath a bhios ann

After 'a', when it means which/who/that, i.e. a relative pronoun, you use the so-called Relative Future, a special version of the Future, instead of the usual Future.
In the case of the verb 'bi', this is 'bhios'.

Also used a lot after a group of common conjunctions that are followed by relative clauses in Gaelic:

Ma bhios tu ann - if you are there ('will be there')
Nuair a bhios tu ann - when you are there
Fad's a bhios tu ann - as long as you are there..
ged a bhios, on a bhios - although, since

The second, unemphatic version is ok, though I would use the future, as you are thinking ahead - tha mi 'n dòchas gum bi....

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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

'S toil leam tè cuideachd. :) Cha toil leam cofaidh idir.

I like tea too. I don't like coffee at all.
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Sgoinneil, sin barrachd cofaidh dhomhsa! :spors:

Great, that's more coffee for me

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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by Mairead »

Hahaha barrachd cofaidh gu dearbh. Cha toil leam seòclaid idir - suidheachadh ceudna. 8-)

Hahaha more coffee indeed. I don't like chocolate at all - same situation.

How would I say "I don't like chocolate either"?
Tha avatar agam à dhealbh aig mo phiuthar anns an Cellardyke. Tha trì videothan Ghàidhlig agam anns an Youtube.
My avatar is from a photo that my sister took in Cellardyke. I have three Gaelic videos on Youtube.
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Cha toil leam seòclaid nas motha

Cha toil leam seoclaid! - Cha toil no leamsa!
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by ithinkitsnice »

Dè a Ghàidhlig a th' air "procrastinating"? Bu chòir dhomh a' bhith ag obair ach tha mi air a' bhith uabhasach leisg an-diugh oir tha e beagan grianach. Bidh agam ri ag obair tron oidhche a-rithist ma chan eil mi a' tòiseachd a dh'aithgheàrr. Carson a tha mi seo a dhèanamh domh fhèin?

What's the Gaelic for "procrastinating"? I should be working but I've been lazy all day because it's a little bit sunny. I'll have to work through the night again if I don't start soon. Why do I do this to myself?
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Tha corra facal san Fhaclair Bheag... 's toigh leam "ath-lathaich" :)

Beagan ceartachaidh:

a bhith
Bidh agam ri obair
ma chan eil => mur eil, mura h-eil
Carson a nì mi seo orm?
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by ithinkitsnice »

GunChleoc wrote:Tha corra facal san Fhaclair Bheag... 's toigh leam "ath-lathaich" :)

ma chan eil => mur eil, mura h-eil
ah, great

Carson a nì mi seo orm?
Is this using future tense to mean habitual?
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Re: Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

ithinkitsnice wrote:Is this using future tense to mean habitual?
Yes. Historically, the future tense used to be the present tense. So, whenever you use the present tense in English to express something that isn't actually happening right now, you use the future tense in Gaelic.
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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Tha mi air am bòrd-brath atharrachadh. Tha mi 'n dòchas gun obraich a h-uile rud mar bu chòir.

I have upgraded the messageboard. I hope that everything works as expected.
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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by DomhnallDorcha »

Tha mi ag eisdeachd a Karen Matheson air You Tube.
i am listening to Karen Mtheson on You Tube.
Tha i a' seinn Canan na Gàidheal.
She is singing Language of the Gaels.
'S toil leam e
I like it.
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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by ithinkitsnice »

Bha mi ag èisteachd ri 'Na Dùrachdan' air RnG a-nochd. 'S toil leam nuair a tha (bhios?) iad Dòtaman a chluiche. B' urrainn dhomh Dòtaman a choimhead nuair a bha mi glè òg, ged cha robh mi ga thuigsinn idir aig an àm. :lol:

I was listening to 'Na Dùrachdan' on RnG tonight. I like when they play Dòtaman. I used to watch Dòtaman when I was very young, although I couldn't understand it at all at the time.

Tha mi nam shuidhe aig a' choimpiutair agam agus tha agam ri an aiste sin a sgrìobhadh. B' fheàrr leam a bhith a dèanamh rud sam bith eile. Chan eil fìos agam carson a thòisich mi an cùrsa sin. Uill, chan ann fìor a tha sin, ge-tà tha mi cho sgìth leis. Am bithinn sin a dhèanamh a-rithist? Chan eil mi cinnteach, ach tha fìos agam gum bi mi toilichte nuair a bhios e crìochnaichte.

I'm sitting at my computer and I have to write this essay. I would rather be doing anything else. I don't know why I started this course. Well, that's not true, although I am so tired of it. Would I do it again? I'm not sure, but I know I'll be happy when it's finished.
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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by faoileag »

Inversion. Once you learn it, you use it all the time. It's fun. We all love it. :moladh:


NOT after a bhith.
ONLY after an introductory verb / verb phrase with a second verb which has a direct object. :(

That's the theory, now the practice. :lol:

I am giving (=offering, performing) a song: Tha mi a' gabhal òran.
I want to give a song: Tha mi ag iarraidh òran a ghabhal.

... when they are playing Dotaman: ...nuair a bhios iad a' cluiche D.
I like hearing D. on the radio..... 'S toil leam D. a chluinntinnn air an rèidio...

Tha mi ag èisteachd ri D. air an rèidio
'S toil leam èisteachd ri D..... (NO inversion as èisteachd takes ri, so Dotaman is NOT a direct object.)

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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Cha dèan brògan tioram iasgach

No pain, no gain

Tha mi 'n dòchas gun d' fhuair thu buannachd às an ionnsachadh ged a tha thu beagan sgìth a-nis.

I hope you got something out of your studies, even of you're a bit tired now.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Dè tha thu a' dèanamh? / What are you doing?

Unread post by ithinkitsnice »

Tapadh leibh a fhaoileag, tha mi' a smaoineachadh gu bheil sin agam a-nis.

Thanks faoileag, I think I've got it now.
GunChleoc wrote: Cha dèan brògan tioram iasgach

No pain, no gain
"Dry shoes won't catch fish?". Gu dearbh. Tha mo bhrògan bog fliuch.

"Dry shoes won't catch fish?". Indeed. My shoes are soaking.
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