Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha : buidheann-ghnìomha

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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:31 pm
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Location: Falkland, Fife

Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha : buidheann-ghnìomha

Unread post by Fìobha »

Execution of the National Plan for Gaelic in the Fife Council Area.

Nam biodh ùidh agaibh gun tèid Gàidhlig a leasachadh ann am Fìobha, leig fios dhuinn.
Please express your support of Gaelic Development in Fife (speak to all your friends and family).

If you have any evidence of requests for Gaelic education within the Fife Kingdom or any other Gaelic related matters since Gaelic become an official language, let us know. Bidh aig buidheann-ghnìomha fianais a chuir ri chèile airson na h-iarrtasan a rinn daoine Fìobhach tro na bliadhnaichean.

Contact : Anna (07825 222 840)

Cearcall Còmhraidh Fìobha aims to raise awareness with Fife Council of increased demand for access to local Gaelic Education and Community Support in Fife - both for adults and children, by:
1. obtaining increased support from Fife Council, should reasonable demand for Gaelic Local Resources be proven.
2. increasing awareness with Gaelic Groups like BnaG, CnaG, Clì Gàidhlig,... that Fife should no longer be deprived from Gaelic language preservation or development due to its location outside the main Gaelic-speaking areas.
3. ending the isolation of Gaelic speakers in Fife.
4. exercising our right to educate our children in Gaelic within the Council Area.
5. ensuring funding for Gaelic Community Groups and Education within Fife.

(I am organizing this voluntarily on behalf of the interested parties)

Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:31 pm
Language Level: Intermediate
Location: Falkland, Fife

Re: Gàidhlig ann am Fìobha : buidheann-ghnìomha

Unread post by Fìobha »

Check my website for updates on Gaelic in Fife:

The petition stands at 140 signatures
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