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Cunntas-bheachd aig Transifex air ionadaileadh

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:03 am
by GunChleoc
Cunntas-bheachd aig Transifex air ionadaileadh - Survey by Transifex on localization

Seo naidheachd a fhuair mi air a' phost-d.

'S e làrach-lìn a th' anns an Transifex a bheir goireasan taic do dh'eadar-theangaichean 's an luchd-prògramachaidh ach an cuir iad cànan eile air bathar-bog. Rinn iad cunntas-bheachd air an luchd-cleachdaidh aca san t-Sultain air dè na dùbhlanan a tha romhpa gus an obair aca a choileanadh.

Transifex is a website that supplies tools to translators and programmers to tr*nsl*t* their software. They did a survey on their users in September about the challenges that they face to accomplish their work.
In September, we conducted the first annual Localization Benchmark Survey among Transifex users. What we found is not only interesting, it's downright inspiring. Take a look at what other Transifex users think about localization - the challenges, benefits and plans for investment in the future. Download your free report of the survey findings that includes charts, graphs and what we believe to be the biggest opportunities for Transifex customers.

Here are some of the highlights:
  • 51% of respondents report improved customer experience as a result of providing some level of localized content.
  • 55% of respondents identified tr*nsl*t**n quality and 47% cited tr*nsl*t**n consistency as the major challenges of localization efforts.
  • Web apps, documentation and mobile apps are the most important content to localize.
  • Investment in localization is expected to increase in the next 12-months.
  • The average number of languages supported will roughly double over the next 12 months - growing from less than 5 to approximately 10 languages.
'S urrainn dhuibh PDF le aithisg shlàn a' chunntais-bheachd a luchdadh a-nuas.

You can download a PDF with the full report.