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Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:44 pm
by GunChleoc


'S e geama dàna-thuras an fhànais a th' ann am Pioneer a chaidh a shuidheachadh san reul-chrios againne air toiseach an 31mh linn.

Pioneer is a space adventure game set in our galaxy at the turn of the 31st century.


Chan eil crìoch stèidhichte air a' gheama agus tha iomadh seòrsa beòshlainte ri fhaighinn am measg nan reultan. Bi an toir air cliù agus fortan a' rùrachadh milleanan de rianan-rèile. Rach 'nad eucoireach 's tusa ri spùinneadaireachd, cùiltearachd no sealg tasgail. Stèidhich is bris caidreachasan leis na buidhnean a tha a' sabaid airson cumhachd no saorsa. Tha an domhan na nì thu dheth.


The game is open-ended, and you are free to eke out whatever kind of space-faring existence you can think of. Look for fame or fortune by exploring the millions of star systems. Turn to a life of crime as a pirate, smuggler or bounty hunter. Forge and break alliances with the various factions fighting for power, freedom or self-determination. The universe is whatever you make of it.


Faigh an-asgaidh e air

Get it for free on


Gheibh thu oideachadh air mar a stiùiricheas tu an t-soitheach agad air uicidh Phioneer (sa Bheurla).

A flying tutorial is available on the Pioneer wiki.