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Comunn Gàidhlig na h-Eilbheis / Gaelic Association of Switzerland

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:10 pm
by Marine
Tha dithis againn às an Eilbheis deònach air Comunn Gàidhlig na h-Eilbheis a chruthachadh.
Gun ìre seo cha do rinn sinn càil ach bidh tachartasan ann anns an Eilbheis am bliadhna (Irish Open­air Tog­gen­burg, Scot­tish Colours ann an Winthertur, no Mànran a' cluich ann an Aarburg), 's dòcha gum faod sinn coinneachadh an siud. Seo an duilleag :
Saoil a bheil duine sam bith eile an seo aig am biodh ùine ann am pròiseact?
Tha Fraingis agam is tha Gearmailtis aig Angelika, is mar sin, na bi diùid ge bhith dè an cànan den dùthaich a th' agaibh.

Two of us are willing to create the Scottish Gaelic Association of Switzerland. We have not done anything yet but there will be some events taking place in the country this year (Irish Open­air Tog­gen­burg, Scot­tish Colours in Winthertur, or Mànran playing in Aarburg) and we could meet at these occasions. Here is the link :
I was wondering if there was anyone who would be interested in such a project?
I speak French and Angelika speaks German so, don't be shy to join us whatever part of the country you come from.