18/07/08 - Naidheachdan agus Tachartasan / News and Events -

Na tha a' tachairt ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus na pàipearan-naidheachd / What's happening in the Gaelic world and the newspapers
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18/07/08 - Naidheachdan agus Tachartasan / News and Events -

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Naidheachdan agus Tachartasan bho Fòram Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis

News and Events from Fòram Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis

Sgoil Shamhraidh Mhealanais
Tha Sgoil Shamhraidh Mhealanais a’ gabhail àite eadar an 7 agus 9mh den Lùnastal 2008. Bidh roghainn gu math farsaing ann de chlasaichean airson inbhich agus clann gus ionnstramaidean-ciùil thraidiseanta, dannsa-ceum, dràma no òrain Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Air an oidhche bidh geama iomain, fiolmaichean, clas dannsa is cèilidh mhòr far an cluinnear sgeulachdan bho Essie Stiùbhart agus Gàidheil eile a bhuinneas dhan sgìre.
Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh is foirm-iarrtais le bhith sgrìobhadh litir gu Catriona NicLèoid - Rùnaire, Taigh na Gàidhlig Mhealanais, 25 Srath Nabhair, KW11 6UA no post-d gu caoraich@yahoo.co.uk
Briogaibh an seo airson barrachd fiosrachaidh is form-iarrtas.

Melness Summer School
The Melness Summer School will be taking place from the 7th to the 9th of August 2008. There will be plenty of classes to choose from suitable for adults and children including drama, guitar, Gaelic, singing, dance, whistle, accordion, pipes and fiddle.
In the evening activities will include: Shinty, movies, dance class and the Cèilidh Mhòr with storytelling sessions with Essie Stewart and local Gaels.
Further details and application form are available by writing a letter to Catriona Macleod – Secretary, Melness Gaelic Centre, 25 Strathnaver, KW11 6UA or by e-mailing caoraich@yahoo.co.uk
Click here for f urther details and application form.


Cothrom Obrach- Inbhir Nis

Ma tha sibh airson cosnadh a dhèanamh tro mhìosan an t-samhraidh mar thosgaire do Chathair Bhaile Inbhir Nis
thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn aig Inverness Bid gus tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn.
(Na toiribh feart air a' cheann là.)

Job Opportunity - Inverness
If you would like to work as an Inverness City Ambassador during the summer have a look at the Inverness Bid website
for more information. (Please disregard the closing date)


Comhairle nan Leabhraichean

Briogaibh air a' cheangal a leanas gus an iris ùr de chuairt-litir Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean a leughadh:

Cuairt Litir 9 - An Samhradh 2008

Tha i làn fiosrachaidh agus naidheachdan mu na tiotalan Gàidhlig às ùire a tha air nochdadh, còmhla ri dòighean ceannaich agus fios mu lasachaidhean prìse. Tha sibh làn di-beathte a cur gu duine sam bith eile aig a bheil ùidh, agus ma tha sibh ag iarraidh lethbhric airson an sgaoileadh no ma tha beachd sam bith agaibh mu dheidhinn na cuairt-litreach, cuiribh fios gu:

Màiri NicCumhais
Oifigear Leasachaidh
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, 22 Sràid Achadh a’ Mhansa, Glaschu, G11 5QP
F: +44 (0)141 337 6211

Gaelic Books Council

Click on the following link to read the latest edition of the Gaelic Books Council’s newsletter:

Newsletter 9 - Summer 2008

It is packed with information about the newest Gaelic titles, along with instructions about how to order and any discounts available. Please feel free to forward it on to anyone who may be interested, and if you would like hard copies for distribution or If you have any comments about the newsletter, please get in touch with:

Mairi MacCuish
Outreach Officer
The Gaelic Books Council, 22 Mansfield Street, Glasgow G11 5QP
T: +44 (0)141 337 6211


Prògraman Deasbaid ann an Gàidhlig – Cnag na Cùise

Tha Tern TV a' clàradh streath ùr de phrògraman còmhraidh ann an Gàidhlig. 'S ann mu chreideamh a tha iad, agus bi iad gan clàradh ann an Inbhir Nis agus Glaschu. Bidh na deasbaidean beothail, le Derek Mac Aoidh a' stiùreadh phanail de Ghaidheil am beulaibh cruinneachadh bheag de luchd-amharc. Tha cuireadh ann do luchd-amharc ceistean a chuir ris am panal.

A bheil beatha san linn seo math dhuinn?
Dihaoine, 25 Iuchar, 9-11m
Dè cho saor a bu choir dhuinn a bhith ar toil fhèin a dheanamh? Dihaoine, 25 Iuchar, 1130-1330
A bheil an ath ghinnealach nan inbheach ro thràth?
Dihaoine, 25 Iuchar, 1430-1630
A bheil gaol againn air ar cuid nàbaidhean? Disathairne, 26 Iuchar, 9-11m

Dè cho cudromach sa tha beatha?
Disathairne, 2 Lunasdal. 9-11m
Dè th'ann an gaol?
Disathairne, 2 Lunasdal, 11.30-13.30
Am bu choir do bhuidheanan creideamh pairt a ghabhail gus an àrainneachd a dhìon?
Disathairne, 2 Lunasdal, 14.30-16.30.

Ma tha uidh agaibh ann a bhith air panal no san èisteachd, leigibh fios gu Katrina Inkster katrina@terntv.com no fon 0141 229 1056

Gaelic Debate Programmes - Centre of the Matter

Tern Television are filming faith-based discussion programmes in Gaelic, to be recorded in Inverness and Glasgow. These will be lively debates between a panel of Gaels, chaired by presenter, Derek Mackay in front of small audiences, who will be welcome to put questions to the panellists.

Is 21st Century living good for us? Friday July 25, 9-11am
How Free should we be to do as we please? Friday July 25, 11.30-13.30
Is the next generation growing up too fast? Friday July 25, 14.30-16.30
Do we really love our neighbours? Saturday July 26, 9-11am

The Sancitity of Life.
Saturday August 2. 9-11am
What is Love?
Saturday August 2. 11.30-13.30
How should faith respond to environmental concerns?
Saturday August 2. 14.30-16.30.

Interested in being on a panel or in the audience? Contact Katrina Inkster by phone 0141 229 1056 or katrina@terntv.com


Na Gathan
Bidh ‘Na Gathan’ a’ cluich anns a’ Market Bar, Inbhir Nis air Dihaoine an 8mh là den Lùnasdal aig 8f. Tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun chòmhlan agus cothrom èisteachd ri na h-òrain aca ri fhaighinn air an eadar lion aig www.myspace.com/nagathan

Na Gathan
‘Na Gathan’ will be playing in the Market Bar, Inverness Friday 8th August at 8pm. More information about the band and an opportunity to listen to them online is available by visiting www.myspace.com/nagathan


Sanas Obrach CNSÀ

Tha CNSÀ a’ sireadh neach stiùiridh airson dà bhuidhinn pàrant is pàist’ ann an Inbhir Nis; bidh “Cròileagan Chùil Lodair” agus Clann Beaga a’ coinneachadh aig Talla Eaglais Smithton air madainn Dimàirt, Diardaoin & Dihaoine. Dh’fhaodadh aon stiùiriche an dà bhuidhinn a dhèanamh no dà dhiofar stiùiriche. Ma tha Gàidhlig agad, tha iad feumach ort, ma tha eòlas agad air obair le clann no ma tha ùidh agad ann a bhith a’ cuideachadh, cuiribh fòn gu CNSÀ air 01463 225469 no Ceitidh air 01862 894304. Gheibh sibh taic agus trèanadh.

CNSÀ Job Advertisment

Gaelic leader/ leaders are required for two Gaelic Parent and child groups around Inverness; 'Cròileagan Chùil Lodair' and Clann Beaga, both meet at Smithton Free Church Hall, on Tues & Thurs mornings and Friday mornings. One leader could do both groups or would also consider separate leaders for different days/groups. If you are a Gaelic speaker, we need you, have you experience of working with young children or families or just interested in helping; then please contact CNSÀ on 01463 225469 or Ceitidh on 01862 894304. Training and support will be given.


Cùrsaichean Trèanaidh Ùlpan

Thèid cùrsaichean trèanaidh Ùlpan airson luchd-oide a chumail aig:

Dùn Èideann - Lùnastal

Da latha cùrsa prataigeach: 15/16 an Lùnastal (Dihaoine & Disathairne)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 25-30 an Lùnastal (Diluain gu Disathairne)

An t-Ath-Leathann - Lùnastal/ Sultain

Da latha cùrsa prataigeach: 21/22. an Lùnastal (Diardaoin & Dihaoine)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 22-27 an t-Sultain (Diluain gu Disathairne)

Obar Dheathain - Dàmhair

Da latha cùrsa prataigeach: 3/4/an Dàmhair (Dihaoine & Disathairne)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 13-18 an Dàmhair (Diluain gu Disathairne)

Glaschu - Dàmhair

Da latha cùrsa prataigeach: 9/10 an Dàmhair (Diardaoin & Dihaoine)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 22/23/24/25 agus 27/28 an Dàmhair

(Diciadain, gu Disathairne agus Diluain/Dimàirt an ath sheachdain)

An Gearasdan - Dàmhair/ Samhain

Da latha cùrsa prataigeach: 31.10/01.11 (Dihaoine & Disathairne)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 10-15 an Samhain (Diluain gu Disathairne)

Dùn Dèagh - Samhain

Dà latha cùrsa prataigeach: 6/7 an t Samhain (Diardaoin & Dihaoine)

Cùrsa bogaidh: 24-29 an t-Samhain (Diluain gu Disathairne)

Ma tha ùidh agaibh ann an trèanadh mar oide nach cuir sibh fios gu:

Mechthild Ghreumach
Rianaire Ulpan

Clì Gàidhlig

Seòmraichean 1 - 4

Taigh Rèile na Gàidhealtachd

Sràid na h-Acadamaidh

Inbhir Nis



01463 226710



Clì Gàidhlig

Units 1 - 4

Highland Rail House

Academy Street




Blas 2008


“Teachd an Tìr nan Gàidheal”

Bidh cuirm-ciùil bhliadhnail Chomunn Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis “Teachd an Tìr nan Gàidheal” a’ gabhail àite aig Taigh-Cluiche Eden Court air Dihaoine 22 Lùnastal 2008 aig 7.30f. Bidh cuid de phrìomh luchd ciùil na Gàidhealtachd a’ comharrachadh dòigh beatha agus beò-shlàint nan Gàidheal thar nan linntean chun an lath’ ’n diugh tro cheòl, òrain is bàrdachd. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh cuiribh brath gu rùnaire a Chomuinn, Shona Chaimbeul le post-d shona_gsi@northscotland.com no fòn 01463 792 318.

“Teachd an Tìr nan Gàidheal”

The Gaelic Society of Inverness’s Annual Concert “Teachd an Tìr nan Gàidheal” will be held at the Eden Court Theatre on Friday 22 August 2008 at 7.30pm. The life and livelihood of Gaels through ages to the present day will be celebrated through music, song and poetry, by a superb cast of musicians. For more information send an e-mail to the GSI secretary, Shona Chaimbeul shona_gsi@northscotland.com or phone 01463 792 318


Fèis an Eilein – the Skye Festival

Including the ‘Aos Dàna’ Book Festival

‘Aos Dàna’ The Skye Book Festival – just one book!

Saturday 12 to Saturday 26 July 2008

Awarded ‘Best Event in Highland 2007’

There are scores of book festivals around these shores with hundreds of authors and stacks of books. On the Isle of Skye they do things differently. Aos Dàna, the Book Festival in July is unique - it has only one author and one book. But this is not a minimal festival. In presenting the book, the festival organisers have brought together a wealth of poets and musicians,

The four-day event takes its inspiration from musicologist, poet, broadcaster and Skye crofter, Dr John Purser and his book ‘Scotland's Music. A History of the Traditional and Classical Music of Scotland from Early Time to the Present Day.’ This book was presented by the BBC in a 50-part radio series in 2007.

In a series of linked talks and concerts John Purser will talk about the distinctive music and literature that emerged as Scottish society evolved over the centuries, and which contributes to our sense of nationhood today. It starts with John playing bronze-age music in front of a bronze-age cave. It finishes in the 21st Century with Donnie Munro.

The opening concert, on Saturday 12 July, at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Skye's Gaelic College, introduces the music of Erik Chisholm, whose compositions were inspired by classical pipe-tunes and 18th century music from the Gaidhealtachd. These will be played by international pianist, Murray McLachlan, the renowned American Scottish fiddler Bonnie Rideout and piper Decker Forrest.

On Sunday after a Gaelic and English service in Kilmore Church featuring ‘Music of the Celtic Church’, with the participation of renowned piper Barnaby Brown and Strath Gaelic Choir, there is an illustrated concert of music related to Scotland’s landscape, from pre-history to the present day.

The next day, ‘Four Poets and a Cello’ highlight the resurgence of Gaelic poetry and literature. John provides a musical accompaniment to the poetry of Maoilios Caimbeul, along with Skye-based poets Meg Bateman and Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul, who translates his poetery into over 25 languages.

The evening session, ‘In Praise of Ben Doran’, reaches back to the 18th century and the the poet from that golden age Duncan Bàn MacIntyre. Renowned piper Allan MacDonald and singer and folklorist Margaret Bennett join John Purser for a concert and discussion.

The Book Festival finishes and the full Skye Festival, opens on Tuesday 15 July with an evening concert of contemporary Gaelic and Scottish music. This features Gaelic singer Christine Primrose and Donnie Munro, well-known from his Runrig days, alongside John Wallace, Principal of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, an international virtuoso trumpeter, and one of the greatest Scottish musicians of his generation.

The Skye Festival then continues to Saturday 26 July with a series of concerts and workshops.

Information and Tickets from: 01471 844207, info@seall.co.uk and www.skyefestival.com

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