
Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Sgrìobh a h-uile rud gu dà-chànanach / Write everything bilingually
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Unread post by neoni »

ghoid mi a' bheachd seo bho fhoram eile, 's e a th' ann gun sgrìobh cuidigin seantans sa bheurla, agus feumaidh an duine as an dèidh eadar-theangachadh. chan ann airson tatùan ach dìreach practice.

i stole this idea from another forum. what it is is that somebody writes a sentence in english (or gaelic, i guess) and the person after them translates it. obviously this isn't for luchd nan tatù, but just for practice.

tòiseachaidh mis';
i'll start;

when they got older they left home to go to university

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Unread post by horogheallaidh »

nuair a dh'fhas iad nas sine, dh'fhag iad an taigh airson an oil-thigh (?)

they were looking forward to student life but were going to miss the home cooking

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Unread post by neoni »

bha fadachd orra ro bheatha oileanach ach bhiodh iad ag ionndrainn còcaireachd am mathar

he cut his arm when he fell off his bike* and, thinking it couldn't get any worse, noticed he'd ripped his new jeans

* :aingeal:
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Unread post by faoileag »

Beachd snog - mòran taing! (But this will chain us even more firmly to our computers! 8-) )

I'm numbering the sentences for reference, in case the experts want to come on and comment/correct.

1. Nuair a dh'fhàs iad nas sine, dh'fhàg iad dachaigh a dhol dhan oilthigh.

2. Bha iad a' dèanamh fiughair ris a' bheatha oileanach ach bhiodh iad ag ionndrainn am biadh dachaigh / am màthar.

3. Ghearr e a ghàirdean nuair a thuit e far a bhaidhsagail/rothar agus an uair sin mhothaich e gun do reub e a dhìneachean ùr, is esan a' saoilsinn nach b' urrainn dhan chùis fàs nas miosa.

4. He picked himself up from the ground, wishing he had a car like the other students from wealthier homes. :spors:
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Unread post by neoni »

chanainn "na bu shine" airson 1 oir 's ann san trath càithte a tha e

4. thog e e fhèin bhon làr ( :x ), 's b' fheàrr leis gun robh car aige mar a bh' aig na h-oileanaich bho theaghlaichean na bu bheartaiche

fear glè mhath a bha sin, an dòchas gun cuir cuideigin ceart mi.

5. Hithero, every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes.
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Unread post by faoileag »

Abair raising the stakes, mo chreach! :mc:

(Agus tha thu ceart le 'na bu shine' ann an seantans 1 - mearachd ghòrach :naire: )

I'll have to come back to number 4 when I have more time and brain cells! :lol:
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Unread post by neoni »

tha beachd no dhà agamsa ach fuirichidh mi gus am feuch cuideigin eile e
i've got a couple ideas but i'll wait till someone else tries

tha mi dìreach a' smaoineachadh an-dràsta, dh'fhaodadh e a bhith glè mhath dha daoine eile bhith a' faicinn mearachdan air 'n cuir ceart, 's mar sin tha coir againn a dhèanamh gu soilleir 's gu cruaidh

i'm just thinking, it could be very good for people to see mistakes corrected, so we should be clear and brutal in doing so.
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Unread post by faoileag »

5. Hithero, every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes.

Here we go:

5. Gu ruige seo tha gach gnè sòisealtais air a stèidheachadh - mar a chunnaic sinn roimhe/mu thràth - air an nàimhdeas eadar na seòrsan a' ceannsachadh is feadhainn ceannsaichte / air an ceannsachadh.

But I'm not happy with it, esecially 'nàimhdeas' - not subtle enough for that kind of negative energy. I'd prefer a good word for 'tension' really.

Co-dhiù, tha rudan eile a' feitheamh orm a-nis - gu leòr airson latha!
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Unread post by neoni »

yeah tha aireachas orm a-nis, chan eil an tìde agam airson an leithid seo :(
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

An còrd eas-aonachd (disunity) dhuibh?


... air na seòrsan a' ceannsachadh a bhith an aghaidh nan feadhainn air an ceannsachadh.


... air an strì eadar na seòrsan a' ceannsachadh is feadhainn air an ceannsachadh.

neoni wrote:chanainn "na bu shine" airson 1 oir 's ann san trath càithte a tha e
Na bu sine... tha n falaichte ann ann an "bu" mar a tha e ann an "cha" is feumaidh tu an homo-organic rule a chleachdadh
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Unread post by neoni »

ann an torr àiteachan bidh iad fhathast a' seibheachadh s as dèidh n
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Unread post by GunChleoc »

tl, cha robh fios a'm

6. He took a walk around the uni after dinner to check out the locations of the buildings.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam
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Unread post by neoni »

6. Chaidh e a choiseachd mu thimcheall na h-oilthigh as dèidh dha ithe gus eòlas a chur air far an robh na togalaichean.

7. 'Creative license' lets you change the whole meaning of the sentence if it's too hard to tr*nsl*t*!
Níall Beag
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Unread post by Níall Beag »

7. Uill, cha bhi dragh oirt leis an t-seantans seo, ma-thà.

8. That was only a joke, in case you're wondering.
Last edited by Níall Beag on Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by neoni »

's e "ma-thà" no "ma-tà" a th' ann, 's e "already" a th' air "mar-thà"

8. Cha robh mi ach ris an aon obair an siud, nan robh amharras ort. :priob:

9. The more tricky phrases we slip in the better.
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