Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Sgrìobh 'sa Ghàidhlig is Beurla / Write in Gaelic and English
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

An gabh thu dìnnear mhòr an-diugh?

Are you having a big dinner today?

Oileanach chànan chuthachail
Na dealbhan agam

Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by sr3nitygirl »

Madainn mhath dhuibh uile bhuamsa.
'S e latha caran fuar a th' ann am Baile An Taighe Mhòir ach grianach co-dhiù.
Bha i nas fhuaire an t-seachdain sa chaidh is chunnaic mi cabhadh Diardaoin.

Good morning to you all from me.
It's a a somewhat cold day in Baltimore but sunny anyway.
It was colder last week and I saw sleet on Thursday.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Uill, chaidh ar latha fèill seachad, agus cha do dh' ith mi cus! Bha an aimsir math, agus bha a h-uile duine a' siubhal gun trioblaid (mo theaghlach co-dhiù).

'S e rud eile a bha an aimsir madainn an-dè! Bha na rathaidean sleibhbinn le uisge is deigh. Thachair tubaist rathaid air rathad mòr eadar dà bhaile-mòra a tha faisg oirnn. Bha 65 carabadan ann! Chaidh tòrr de dhaoine a ghoirteachadh. Gu-fhortanach cha deach duine sam bith a' mharabhadh.

Well, our holiday is past, and I didn't eat too much! The weather was good, everbody travelled without trouble (my family at least).

The weather yesterday morning was another thing! The roads were slippery with water and ice. There was an accident on a main road between two cities near us. There were 65 cars involved. Many people were hurt. Fortunately no one was killed.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Tha mi toilichte gun robh latha fèill math agaibh is nach deach duine a mharbhadh. Tha rudan caran brònach an Glaschu is heileacoptair air tuiteam air taigh-seinne is cuid air caochladh :(

I am glad you had a good holiday and that nobody got killed. Things are a bit sad in Glasgow right now, because a helicopter fell on a pub and some people died.
Oileanach chànan chuthachail
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Chuala mi mun tubaist ann an Ghlaschu. Bha mi glè dhuilich sin a chluintinn.
Agus bha tubaist treana ann an New York latha neo dhà air ais. Ag an àm sin cha robh an aimsir as coireach, a-rèir choltais. Bha an treana a' dol ro luath.

I heard about the accident in Glasgow. Very sorry to hear that.
There was a train accident in New York a day or two ago. That time the weather was not to blame, apparently. The train was going too fast.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by poor_mouse »

Bha an sneachd ann o chionn goirid, ach tha i blàth agus fliuch a-rithist.
Chan eil fìor Gheamhradh air tighinn thugainn.

It was snowing recently, but it's warm and wet again.
Real winter hasn't come to us.

(Tha eagal orm gu bheil mo chuid Bheurla eadhon nas miosa na (mo chuid) Ghàidhlig uaireannan...

I'm afraid that my English is even worse than my Gaelic sometimes...)
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Rainig an geamhradh an seo!
Tha e glè fhuar. Tha sneachd air an talamh. Tha na rathaidean sleibhinn.
Thathar an duil gum bi sneachda ann a-rithist feasgar an-diugh.

Winter has arrived here.
It is very cold. There is snow on the ground. The roads are slippery.
They think it is going to snow again this afternoon.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Caillidh mi fhin mo chuid Beurla aig amannan nuair a bhios mi a' sgrìobhadh san roinn seo is sa Ghàidhlig an toiseach! :lol:

I lose my English sometimes as well when I write in this section and in Gaelic first.

Tha na rathaidean reòite air an oidhche aig amannan ach tha i gu math blàth fhathast.

The roads are frozen at night sometimes, but it's still quite warm.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by iolair »

Dh' èirich mi tràth sa mhadainn an-diugh, sheall mi a-mach às an uinneig, agus chunnaic mi sneachd... mòran de shneachd.
Uill, feumaidh mi ràdh gu bheil e mòran airson 18 an Dùbhlachd. Bha mu 8 orlaich air an talamh. Chan eil sneachd ann an-seo gu tric anns an Dùbhlachd.

I got up early this morning, looked out the window, and saw snow... a lot of snow.
Well, I have to say that it is a lot for December 18. There was about 8 inches on the ground. There isn't usually snow here in December.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

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Feasgar math a h-uile. Tha i glè fhuar seo cuideachd. Tha an sneachd àlain agus geal, geal, geal.

Evening everyone. It is very cold here also. The snow is lovely and white, white, white.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tha mòran sneachda ann ann an Illinois an-dràsta! Fhuair sinn barrachd air sia oirlichean an t-seachdain seo agus tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum bi sinn a' faighinn barrachd a-maireach! Agus tha i fo neoini (farenheit) aig oidhche. Ach, tha i laghach 's blàth ann an taigh agam. Tha cnatan agam, ach tha mi ag eisteachd ris òrain Gàidhlig an-dràsta. Mar sin, tha mi toilichte gu leòr. :)

There's a lot of snow in Illinois just now! We got more than six inches this week and I think we're getting more tomorrow! And it's below zero (farenheit) at night. But it's nice and warm in my house. I have a cold, but I'm listening to Gaelic songs right now. So, I'm happy enough.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by GunChleoc »

Cha robh i cinnteach an robh i airson uisge no sneachd a chur a-raoir.
It couldn't decide last night if it wanted to be rain or snow.

sheall mi a-mach air an uinneig,
mòran sneachda

You always need a noun after "a h-uile", e.g. a h-uile duine. Note that "duine" is in the singular here.

the plural of òirleach is òirlich

tha mi a' smaoineachadh - this means literally that you're sitting around thinking. It's better to use "Saoilidh mi"

at night: air an oidhche

anns an taigh agam - the s makes the article

Tha an cnatan orm - diseases are always on you, not at you

ag eisteachd ris na h-òrain Gàidhlig - I am listening to the Gaelic songs
ag eisteachd ri òrain Gàidhlig - I am listening to Gaelic songs.
Note what happens with ri/ris here
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by ~Sìle~ »

Tha turadh ann an diugh.

*A "spell of dry weather" today.
Màiri na Coille
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by Màiri na Coille »

Tapadh leat, a GhunChleoc. :)

Seachdainn sa chaidh, bha i a' fàs nas blàithe agus leagh an sneachda...ach am madainn seo, bha beagan sneachda ann a-rithist!! Agus bidh i fuar a-rithist an t-seachdainn seo. :(

Thanks, GunChleoc.

Last week, it was getting warmer and the snow melted...but this morning, it was snowing a bit again!! And it's going to be cold again this week.
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Re: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde / How's the weather?

Unread post by caiptean »

Tha sinne dìreach bog fliuch an seo. Bha an t-uisge ann airson trì laithean, agus bidh e ann a-rithist airson còig latha tuilleadh às deidh Dihaoine! Tha e dìreach grod. 'S lugha ormsa an t-uisge!!!

We are just soaking wet here (Iowa, USA.) It rained for three days, and it's going to again for five more days after Friday! It's just rotten. I hate the rain!!!
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