Goireasan Ionnsachaidh   –   Gaelic Learning Resources

Goireasan Ionnsachaidh   –   Gaelic Learning Resources

Chruinnich sinn na faclairean agus goireasan gràmair air loidhne nas cudromaiche an-seo, agus leabhraichean feumail a bharrachd. Gheibh sibh tuilleadh làraichean-lìn feumail ann an roinn nan ceanglaichean. Cuiribh fios thugainn ma bhios sibh airson lèirmheas a chur air làrach no leabhar sam bith.

Cleachdaidh cuid den làraichean RealPlayer airson an fhuaim. Mholainn-sa gum faigheadh sibh Real Alternative a tha light-weight (chan eil e ach plugin airson Windows Media Payer Classic) agus chan eil spyware sam bith aige!

We have collected the most important online dictionaries and grammar resources here, as well as some useful books. You can find additional useful sites in the links section. If you wish to review a site or a book, please contact us

Some of the sites need Real Player for the sound. I suggest you get Real Alternative, it's very light-weight (based on Windows Media Payer Classic), and it's spyware-free!.
Last edited: 15 June 2022 11:52:08